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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Integration works! A guide to facilitating a workshop on integrating sexual and reproductive health and rights and HIV

    The goal of this facilitator’s guide on HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) integration is to present a four-day workshop to develop a common understanding on how to integrate HIV and SRHR in order to improve the response of Alliance programmes to HIV. The guide is to be used hand in hand with the Alliance Good Practice Guide: Integration of HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights.

  2. Protocolo de atención integral en salud sexual y reproductiva a mujeres viviendo con VIH. Orientaciones complementarias para el programa nacional de salud de la mujer

    Para el Ministerio de Salud es de gran relevancia presentar y poner a disposición de la Red Asistencial Pública, este Protocolo de Atención Integral en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva para Mujeres Viviendo con VIH, como una contribución hacia el mejoramiento de su calidad de vida, bajo los principios del enfoque de ética, derechos, equidad y no discriminación. …

  3. Unintended pregnancy and abortion in Uganda

    Unintended pregnancy is common in Uganda, leading to high levels of unplanned births, unsafe abortions, and maternal injury and death. Because most pregnancies that end in abortion are unwanted, nearly all ill health and mortality resulting from unsafe abortion is preventable. This report summarizes evidence on the context and consequences of unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortion in Uganda, points out gaps in knowledge, and highlights steps that can be taken to reduce levels of unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortion, and, in turn, the high level of maternal mortality.

  4. Cameroun Enquête Démographique et de Santé et à Indicateurs Multiples (EDS-MICS) 2011

    Les informations collectées au cours de l’EDS-MICS 2011 permettent de mettre à jour des indicateurs de base sur la situation démographique et sanitaire estimés lors des précédentes EDS de 1991, 1998 et 2004 et des précédentes MICS de 2000 et 2006. Ces données vont aussi faciliter le suivi et l’évaluation des programmes de lutte contre le VIH/sida, du paludisme et ceux concernant spécifiquement la santé maternelle et infantile et le bien-être familial. …

  5. Encuesta nacional de demografía y salud sexual y reproductiva (ENDSSR) 2008

    The 2008 national Survey of Demography and Reproductive and Sexual Health, ENDSSR-2008, was conducted by the Paraguayan Center of Population Studies (CEPEP), with the cooperation of the United States Agency of International Development (USAID), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), and with the technical assistance of the Division of Reproductive Health of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia USA. …

  6. Gender and HIV in the Pacific Islands Region

    This study presents evidence linking the spread of HIV with gender inequality in law and in custom in Pacific Island countries and territories. It suggests recommendations based on the findings, proposing policy responses and programme approaches which can and should be fundamental to fighting the spread of HIV in Pacific Island countries and territories. …

  7. Zambia HIV prevention response and modes of transmission analysis

    The purpose of this epidemic, response and policy synthesis is to provide an overall analysis of the HIV epidemic and response in Zambia by drawing together, triangulating and reconciling various and different data sources in order to make recommendations as to how the response could be improved. …

  8. Uganda HIV prevention response and modes of transmission analysis

    The authors used the standard Modes of Transmission methodology as described in the UNAIDS/GAMET guidelines. They consulted recent reviews of the epidemiology of HIV in Uganda and reviewed recent available data, applied the UNAIDS incidence model to predict the distribution of new infections, used the MoT prevention review tool to describe the current prevention policies and programs and reviewed the current allocation of resources for HIV prevention. …

  9. Swaziland HIV prevention response and modes of transmission analysis

    NERCHA (National Emergency Response Council on HIV/AIDS), MOHSW (Ministry of Health and Social Welfare), UNAIDS and GAMET/World Bank are collaborating in a capacity development process to support an evidence based review of Swaziland's epidemiological situation (Know Your Epidemic, KYE) and the national HIV prevention response (Know Your Response, KYR). The process for the KYE was an in-depth review of available epidemiological data from Swaziland and the sub-region, and application of the UNAIDS incidence estimation model. …

  10. Kenya HIV prevention response and modes of transmission analysis

    For the study in Kenya, (similar studies in Lesotho, Mozambique, Swaziland, Uganda, and Zambia) HIV epidemiological data and incidence modelling data (from the UNAIDS Modes of Transmission Model) were analysed together to obtain an epidemiological synthesis (Know Your Epidemic, KYE synthesis), while the HIV prevention review and resources data were analysed together to obtain an HIV response synthesis or "Know Your Response" (KYR) synthesis. …

  11. Lesotho HIV Prevention Response and Modes of Transmission Analysis

    This is an evidence-based review of Lesotho's epidemiological situation (Know your epidemic, KYE) and national HIV prevention response (Know your response, KYR). The purpose of this modes of transmission (MoT) study is to contribute to the ongoing efforts to understand the epidemic and response in Lesotho and thus help the country improve the scope (doing the right kind of activities), relevance (with the right populations) and comprehensiveness (reaching all members of target populations) of HIV prevention efforts. …

  12. Reproductive Health Outlook

    Sitio sobre salud reproductiva es producido originalmente en inglés por el Programa para una Tecnología Apropiada en salud (PATH). RHO está diseñado especialmente para quienes administran programas de salud reproductiva y para los responsables de la toma de decisiones que trabajan en los países en desarrollo y en las comunidades de escasos recursos. …

  13. It's Time to Talk About Sex: Sexual Rights are Essential to Achieving the MDGs

    Share-Net recently hosted a meeting encouraging participants to talk about sex. Specifically, it examined the connections between sexual rights and each of the MDGs. The meeting involved Share-Net's members (experts in SRHR and HIV/AIDS) but also experts from other MDG areas who shared insights from their own fields. This document is the result of an afternoon of discussion in eight groups, each focusing on a different MDG.

  14. 2007 Zambia human development report. Enhancing household capacity to respond to HIV and AIDS

    Currently, most effective responses to HIV/AIDS have been community and national driven. Now it has become apparent that people play a key role as individuals and as members of social systems such as families in effectively responding to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. As such the Report will focus on enhancing the capacity of households to fight HIV/AIDS at the household level. …

  15. Independent review group on HIV/AIDS. Report from an assessment visit 27 August - 9 September 2008

    The Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG) has endorsed a National Strategic Plan (NSP) for HIV and AIDS 2006 to 2010. An annual planning exercise for the implementation of the NSP is undertaken each year which aims to bring stakeholders together into one planning cycle. The outcome of the process is intended to be an approved GoPNG HIV Development Budget and Plan for the coming year containing details of funded activities to support NSP implementation. …


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