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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Women out loud: How women living with HIV will help the world end AIDS

    Women may make up half the world’s population, but they do not share it equally. This is especially evident when it comes to HIV. Half of all people living with HIV are women, yet many are underserved or do not know their status. Despite the many successes we have seen, women still face inequalities that will keep the AIDS response from reaching its full potential.

  2. Profiles in equity: Better practices for women, children and AIDS

    Significant challenges remain in narrowing the gap between beneficiaries and those still missing from the AIDS response. …

  3. MDG-6 status for children and HIV in Rwanda: a rapid assessment

    In order to develop a comprehensive response to HIV/AIDS pandemic in women and children, Rwanda has benefited from generous international commitment of resources and technical assistance. More than halfway to the 2015 deadline to achieve the MDGs, an assessment of the progress towards achieving MDG 6 for children and HIV in Rwanda is needed to inform the acceleration of program implementation. An assessment tool was first of all developed around the "Four Ps". …

  4. Les femmes à l'épreuve du VIH dans les pays du sud: genre et accès universel à la prise en charge

    Alors que les programmes de prévention et de traitement ont permis des avancées majeures dans les pays du Sud, les femmes vivant avec le VIH, majoritaires en Afrique, bénéficient-elles de ces progrès à égalité avec les hommes ? Mères et futures mères d'enfants exposés, quelle expérience ont-elles des systèmes de soins ? Les responsabilités qui leur incombent en matière de prévention et de charge des soins au sein des couples et des familles, associées aux exigences des programmes sanitaires sont-elles, pour elles, sources de difficultés supplémentaires ? …

  5. Children and AIDS: fifth stocktaking report, 2010

    Advocacy and investment on behalf of children affected by AIDS have had an impact, and the goal of eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV appears within reach. But for every problem solved or advance made, new challenges and constraints have arisen. This Children and AIDS: Fifth Stocktaking Report examines current data, trends and the progress that's been made - pointing out disparities in access, coverage and outcomes - and calls for concrete actions to benefit the millions of children, women and families worldwide who bear the burden of the epidemic.

  6. Children and AIDS: Second stocktaking report

    This Stocktaking Report, the second since the "Unite for Children, Unite against AIDS" initiative was launched in 2005, examines data on progress, emerging evidence, and current knowledge and practice for children as they relate to four programme areas: preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV, providing paediatric HIV care and treatment, preventing infection among adolescents and young people, and protecting and supporting children affected by HIV and AIDS. …

  7. Adolescent sexual and reproductive health toolkit for humanitarian settings. A companion to the inter-agency field manual on reproductive health in humanitarian settings

    The Adolescent and Sexual Reproductive Health (ASRH) Toolkit for Humanitarian Settings provides information and guidance to advocate for ASRH and implement adolescent-inclusive SRH interventions. The toolkit is meant to accompany Chapter 4 "Adolescent Reproductive Health" of the Inter-Agency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in humanitarian settings. …

  8. Children and AIDS: Fourth Stocktaking Report, 2009

    In 2005, the epidemic's consequences prompted UNICEF, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and other partners to launch Unite for Children, Unite against AIDS, a global campaign to focus attention and resources on mitigating the worst effects of HIV and AIDS on children and young people. Four years into this effort, many lives have been saved or improved because national governments, non-governmental organizations, local communities and international organizations have been examining the evidence and responding. …

  9. Jamaica national HIV/AIDS monitoring and evaluation system. Monitoring and evaluation plan. Document A

    The Mand E system to collect data and produce information and evidence for the Jamaica National HIV/AIDS/STI Programme is described in two documents: the Mand E Plan (Document A) and the M and E Operations Manual (Document B). The M and E Plan is the fundamental document following the National Strategic Plan (NSP). It explains how a programme will measure its achievements and provide for accountability to the stakeholder and donor communities. …

  10. St. Vincent and the Grenadines HIV/AIDS/STI national strategic plan 2004-2009

    The HIV epidemic is driven by a number of factors including cultural, behavioural and socio-economic. A strategic plan is a necessary tool to guide all stakeholders and create a synergistic approach instead of duplicated efforts. A significant progress indicator was the development of this strategic plan which was launched in December 2001. The plan then outlined the following six priority areas: I. Strengthen intersectoral management, organizational structures and institutional capacity; II. Design and implement care, support and treatment programmes for PLWHA and their families; III. …

  11. Revue du cadre stratégique national 2003-2007

    La revue participative du Cadre Stratégique National 2003-2007 et du Cadre Institutionnel et de Gouvernance de la riposte nationale au VIH en République de Guinée marque le début du processus de planification stratégique pour la période 2008-2012. Première phase du processus de planification stratégique, elle s'est déroulée dans la période du 25 juillet au 30 septembre 2007. Le bilan des réalisations de la période 2003-2007 est largement positif en matière de lutte contre le VIH en Guinée, malgré un contexte sociopolitique difficile. La présente revue s'est voulue exhaustive. …

  12. Projet de loi sur la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA et la protection des droits des personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA

    Cette loi a pour objet : de lutter contre la propagation de l'affection causée par le VIH entraînant la diminution et la perte de défenses immunitaires de l'organisme, se traduisant par le SIDA ; de protéger les personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA contre toutes formes de discrimination ou de stigmatisation ; de réaffirmer leurs droits et libertés fondamentaux conformément aux instruments internationaux relatifs aux droits de l'homme. …

  13. Review of progress and expenditure on the comprehensive plan for HIV and AIDS for South Africa

    In light of the HIV and AIDS situation in the Sub-Saharan Africa, and South Africa in particular, there is an urgent need for governments to roll out the anti-retroviral (ARV) drugs to people living with HIV and AIDS. The South African government is obliged to strengthen its HIV and AIDS interventions for the majority of citizens accessing health services in the public sector. The South African government must as a matter of urgency develop and utilise effective monitoring and evaluating systems to validate the effectiveness and efficiency of its responses to the epidemic. …

  14. Sexual and reproductive health and HIV. Linkages: evidence review and recommendations

    Cuadro sinóptico de estudios realizados que indagan en la relación entre los servicios de salud reproductiva y su impacto en la respuesta al VIH/sida.

  15. National plans of action for orphans and vulnerable children in sub-Saharan Africa. Where are the youngest children?

    In 2005, an estimated 48 million children aged 0-18 years, that is to say 12 percent of all children in sub-Saharan Africa, were orphans, and that number is expected to rise to 53 million by 2010. One quarter of all orphans are orphaned because of AIDS, and about 2.6 million children are currently infected with HIV. In response to the general awareness of the increasing number of these children, a global initiative to develop national plans of action (NPAs) for these orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs), or children affected by HIV and AIDS, has been launched. …


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