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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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A busca obteve 13 resultados em 0.015 segundos

Resultados da busca

  1. Early marriage and sexual and reproductive health vulnerabilities of young women: a synthesis of recent evidence from developing countries

    Purpose of review: To review current evidence on the links between early marriage and health-related outcomes for young women and their children. Recent findings: Every third young woman in the developing countries excluding China continues to marry as a child, that is before age 18. Recent studies reiterate the adverse health consequences of early marriage among young women and their children even after a host of confounding factors are controlled. …

  2. Reproductive Health Survey Russia 2011: executive summary

    Specific objectives of the RURHS11 were: to assess current levels and trends in fertility, abortion, contraception, and various other reproductive health indicators; to enable policy makers, program managers, and researchers to evaluate existing reproductive health programs and develop new strategies; to study factors that affect fertility, contraceptive use, and maternal and infant health, such as geographic and sociodemographic factors, breastfeeding patterns, use of induced abortion, and availability of family planning services; to identify characteristics of women at increased risk of uni …

  3. The sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people in India: a review of the situation

    This paper synthesises the evidence on sexual and reproductive health situation of young people in India, sheds light on those sub-populations of young people who are most vulnerable to adverse sexual and reproductive outcomes, and assesses the barriers that compromise the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people at the individual and family levels, as well as at the programme delivery level.

  4. A strategic framework for engagement in HIV control and promotion of maternal, newborn and child health in Kenya: Accelerating progress in saving the lives of women and children 2013-2017

    The overall goal of the strategy is to mobilise and provide leadership towards ZERO new HIV infections and reduce the number of deaths among women and children in Kenya. This framework will provide guidance for the strategic engagement of the First Lady of the Republic of Kenya to catalyze action and accelerate the attainment of national and international commitments to HIV, maternal and child health targets. To catalyse and sustain on-going efforts in HIV, maternal and child health, the Office of the First Lady will focus on: 1. Accelerate Programs. …

  5. Protocolo de atención integral en salud sexual y reproductiva a mujeres viviendo con VIH. Orientaciones complementarias para el programa nacional de salud de la mujer

    Para el Ministerio de Salud es de gran relevancia presentar y poner a disposición de la Red Asistencial Pública, este Protocolo de Atención Integral en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva para Mujeres Viviendo con VIH, como una contribución hacia el mejoramiento de su calidad de vida, bajo los principios del enfoque de ética, derechos, equidad y no discriminación. …

  6. Women out loud: How women living with HIV will help the world end AIDS

    Women may make up half the world’s population, but they do not share it equally. This is especially evident when it comes to HIV. Half of all people living with HIV are women, yet many are underserved or do not know their status. Despite the many successes we have seen, women still face inequalities that will keep the AIDS response from reaching its full potential.

  7. Les femmes à l'épreuve du VIH dans les pays du sud: genre et accès universel à la prise en charge

    Alors que les programmes de prévention et de traitement ont permis des avancées majeures dans les pays du Sud, les femmes vivant avec le VIH, majoritaires en Afrique, bénéficient-elles de ces progrès à égalité avec les hommes ? Mères et futures mères d'enfants exposés, quelle expérience ont-elles des systèmes de soins ? Les responsabilités qui leur incombent en matière de prévention et de charge des soins au sein des couples et des familles, associées aux exigences des programmes sanitaires sont-elles, pour elles, sources de difficultés supplémentaires ? …

  8. Previous reproductive history and post-natal family planning among HIV-infected women in Ukraine

    This document describes post-natal family planning practices among HIV-positive childbearing women in Ukraine.

  9. Guidelines on HIV and infant feeding 2010

    Evidence has been reported that antiretroviral (ARV) interventions to either the HIV-infected mother or HIV-exposed infant can significantly reduce the risk of postnatal transmission of HIV through breastfeeding. This evidence has major implications for how women living with HIV might feed their infants, and how health workers should counsel these mothers. Together, breastfeeding and ARV intervention have the potential to significantly improve infants' chances of surviving while remaining HIV uninfected. …

  10. FIERE-Filles Eduquées réussissent

    Compte-rendu et analyse d'un programme de scolarisation des filles en Guinée basé l'approche FIERE. Présenté comme une borchure de documentation et un outil de travail, cette évaluation permettra aux bailleurs et aux administrations et organisations de s'inspirer des expériences de FIERE pour promouvoir la scolarisation des filles.

  11. A measure of commitment: women's sexual and reproductive health risk index for Sub-Saharan Africa

    In 2008 the number of African women who died from pregnancy and child birth was much higher than the number of casualties from all the major conflicts in Africa combined. Maternal mortality continues to be the major cause of death among women of reproductive age (15-49) in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This report looks at the performance of sub Saharan African countries in meeting reproductive health targets in 47 countries and ranks them using a set of ten indicators in order of the highest to lowest risk. …

  12. Reproductive rights of young girls and adolescents in Russia: a shadow report

    The report presents the legal status and real-life situation of female adolescents in Russia. The purpose of the shadow report is to supplement teh report of the government on reproductive health issues.

  13. Women's empowerment and reproductive health : links throughout the life cycle

    After describing the international consensus reached in Beijing about empowering women and ending gender inequality, and defining key human rights concepts, the report examines key issues related to reproductive health and rights that affect women throughout their lives. Topics covered include: Early life chances, The mutual relationship between reproductive health and education, Adolescence and the transition to adulthood, Marriage and the family, Labour force participation and employment, Reproductive health and violence and Issues affecting the health of older women

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