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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. South African national HIV prevalence, incidence, behaviour and communication survey, 2008: the health of our children

    The main rationale for this study was to better understand the health status of South African children in relation to HIV. Children have not been adequately included in national health surveys such as the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), and this study allowed for the assessment of progress towards the realisation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the attainment of the National Strategic Plan targets in South Africa. …

  2. FIERE-Filles Eduquées réussissent

    Compte-rendu et analyse d'un programme de scolarisation des filles en Guinée basé l'approche FIERE. Présenté comme une borchure de documentation et un outil de travail, cette évaluation permettra aux bailleurs et aux administrations et organisations de s'inspirer des expériences de FIERE pour promouvoir la scolarisation des filles.

  3. Estrategia de País para la Prevención Materno Infantil del VIH

    Descripción de la Estrategia de Intervención Nacional para la prevención materno infantil del VIH en El Salvador durante el período 2001-2006. Esta intervención consistió en capacitar al personal de salud sobre transmisión vertical, y luego realizar una campaña de fomento de prueba voluntaria para embarazadas. Además se implementó un sistema de atención y tratamiento a embarazadas con VIH, se les ofreció posibilidad de cesárea y se les instruyó sobre nutrición infantil. …

  4. Guidelines for HIV testing and counselling in Kenya

    HIV testing and counselling (HTC) is the main entry point to prevention, care and treatment. These guidelines were developed in the context of existing Kenyan laws and policies, especially the HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act (2006). They support the provision of HTC to children, youth, and adults, according to the circumstances described herein. The guidelines retained key policy issues that were in previous guidelines, but they have outlined some of the emerging evidence based approaches and lessons learnt in the implementation of HTC in the last eight years. …

  5. Adolescent sexual and reproductive health toolkit for humanitarian settings. A companion to the inter-agency field manual on reproductive health in humanitarian settings

    The Adolescent and Sexual Reproductive Health (ASRH) Toolkit for Humanitarian Settings provides information and guidance to advocate for ASRH and implement adolescent-inclusive SRH interventions. The toolkit is meant to accompany Chapter 4 "Adolescent Reproductive Health" of the Inter-Agency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in humanitarian settings. …

  6. Learning about HIV/AIDS: our schools, our future, our responsibility

    This booklet is designed to protect teachers and to help them teach and train their colleagues and students about HIV/AIDS and STIs. It includes lots of accurate information, self study tasks and activities teachers could use in their training and teaching. It is written by PNG teachers. It reflects the priorities and policies of the Department of Education.

  7. Children and AIDS: Fourth Stocktaking Report, 2009

    In 2005, the epidemic's consequences prompted UNICEF, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and other partners to launch Unite for Children, Unite against AIDS, a global campaign to focus attention and resources on mitigating the worst effects of HIV and AIDS on children and young people. Four years into this effort, many lives have been saved or improved because national governments, non-governmental organizations, local communities and international organizations have been examining the evidence and responding. …

  8. A journalist's guide to sexual and reproductive health in East Africa

    Sexual and reproductive health encompasses health and well-being in matters related to sexual relations, pregnancies, and births. It deals with the most intimate and private aspects of people's lives, which can be difficult to write about and discuss publicly. As a result, the public misunderstands many sexual and reproductive health matters. In addition, cultural sensitivities and taboos surrounding sexuality often prevent people from seeking information and care and preclude governments from addressing the issues. …

  9. Women and health : today's evidence tomorrow's agenda

    Despite considerable progress in the past decades, societies continue to fail to meet the health care needs of women at key moments of their lives, particularly in their adolescent years and in older age. These are the key findings of the WHO report "Women and health: today's evidence tomorrow's agenda". WHO calls for urgent action both within the health sector and beyond to improve the health and lives of girls and women around the world, from birth to older age. …

  10. Turning research into practice: suggested actions from case-studies of sexual and reproductive health research

    This document is the outcome of two meetings. The first meeting reviewed case-studies and other evidence related to research utilization from the standpoint of researchers and donors, while the second meeting reviewed additional materials from the standpoint of policy-makers and sexual and reproductive health programme managers. …

  11. A measure of commitment: women's sexual and reproductive health risk index for Sub-Saharan Africa

    In 2008 the number of African women who died from pregnancy and child birth was much higher than the number of casualties from all the major conflicts in Africa combined. Maternal mortality continues to be the major cause of death among women of reproductive age (15-49) in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This report looks at the performance of sub Saharan African countries in meeting reproductive health targets in 47 countries and ranks them using a set of ten indicators in order of the highest to lowest risk. …

  12. Zambia HIV prevention response and modes of transmission analysis

    The purpose of this epidemic, response and policy synthesis is to provide an overall analysis of the HIV epidemic and response in Zambia by drawing together, triangulating and reconciling various and different data sources in order to make recommendations as to how the response could be improved. …

  13. Uganda HIV prevention response and modes of transmission analysis

    The authors used the standard Modes of Transmission methodology as described in the UNAIDS/GAMET guidelines. They consulted recent reviews of the epidemiology of HIV in Uganda and reviewed recent available data, applied the UNAIDS incidence model to predict the distribution of new infections, used the MoT prevention review tool to describe the current prevention policies and programs and reviewed the current allocation of resources for HIV prevention. …

  14. Swaziland HIV prevention response and modes of transmission analysis

    NERCHA (National Emergency Response Council on HIV/AIDS), MOHSW (Ministry of Health and Social Welfare), UNAIDS and GAMET/World Bank are collaborating in a capacity development process to support an evidence based review of Swaziland's epidemiological situation (Know Your Epidemic, KYE) and the national HIV prevention response (Know Your Response, KYR). The process for the KYE was an in-depth review of available epidemiological data from Swaziland and the sub-region, and application of the UNAIDS incidence estimation model. …

  15. Kenya HIV prevention response and modes of transmission analysis

    For the study in Kenya, (similar studies in Lesotho, Mozambique, Swaziland, Uganda, and Zambia) HIV epidemiological data and incidence modelling data (from the UNAIDS Modes of Transmission Model) were analysed together to obtain an epidemiological synthesis (Know Your Epidemic, KYE synthesis), while the HIV prevention review and resources data were analysed together to obtain an HIV response synthesis or "Know Your Response" (KYR) synthesis. …


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