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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. What HIV programs work for adolescent girls?

    Background: Adolescent girls face unique challenges in reducing their risk of acquiring HIV because of gender inequalities, but much of HIV programming and evaluation lacks a specific focus on female adolescents. Methods: This article, based on a review of 150 studies and evaluations from 2001 to June 2013, reviews evidence on programming for adolescents that is effective for girls or could be adapted to be effective for girls. Results: The evidence suggests specific interventions for adolescent girls across 3 critical areas: (1) an enabling environment, including keeping girls in school …

  2. Targeting HIV prevention messaging to a new generation of gay, bisexual, and other young men who have sex with men

    HIV prevention messaging has been shown to reduce or delay high-risk sexual behaviors in young men who have sex with men (YMSM). Since the onset of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, a new generation of YMSM has come of age during an evolution in communication modalities. Because both these communication technologies and this new generation remain understudied, the authors investigated the manner in which YMSM interact with HIV prevention messaging. …

  3. Mixed method evaluation of a passive mHealth sexual information texting service in Uganda

    The authors evaluate the impact of a health information intervention implemented through mobile phones, using a clustered randomized control trial augmented by qualitative interviews. The intervention aimed to improve sexual health knowledge and shift individuals towards safer sexual behavior by providing reliable information about sexual health. The novel technology designed by Google and Grameen Technology Center provided automated searches of an advice database on topics requested by users via SMS. It was offered by MTN Uganda at no cost to users.

  4. Regional issues brief: Children, HIV and the law

    This regional issues brief was prepared for the Africa Regional Dialogue of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law which took place on 4 August 2011 in Pretoria, South Africa. The brief examines legal responses to children and HIV in Africa including: Prohibiting discrimination; Access to treatment; Access to sexual and reproductive rights; Access to HIV information and education; Access to harm reduction measures; Guardianship, property rights and social protection.

  5. Movie: Into the hands of women

    Fulaas is one of our community based distributors. He’s also a volunteer. This film follows him as he dispenses family planning advice and contraceptives to villagers in Oromo, Ethiopia. Without Fulaas, and others like him, there would be very little access to contraception in rural Ethiopia. Development depends on getting the right supplies - contraceptives, condoms, medicines, and equipment – to the people who need them most. And that depends on our volunteers. They are part of the largest voluntary organization in sexual and reproductive health and rights. …

  6. Addressing sexual violence and HIV risk among married adolescent girls in rural Nyanza, Kenya

    HIV infection is much higher among adolescent girls in sub-Saharan Africa than among boys. In settings such as Nyanza Province, Kenya, rates of HIV infection are extremely high, and evidence is increasing in some settings that girls who are married are much more likely to be infected with HIV, compared with their unmarried sexually active counterparts. This brief describes a program addressing the problem of sexual violence and the risk of HIV transmission within marriage in Kenya's Nyanza Province. …

  7. Strengthening linkages for sexual and reproductive health, HIV and AIDS: progress, barriers and opportunities

    Strengthening linkages for sexual and reproductive health, HIV and AIDS: progress, barriers and opportunities is a report produced by the Health Resource Centre on behalf of the the British Government's Department for International Development in 2006. This review explores the policy, financing and institutional factors that enable or constrain the integration of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) programmes, with policy and programmes for HIV prevention, and AIDS treatment and care. …

  8. Avec le VIH et sida

    Cet article est écrit par Mme Sabah Acharki et a été publié sur le site web Diwan arabes.com. Dans cet article l'auteur esquisse de manière rapide les faits et les données de VIH et sida à la fin du XXe siècle et au début du troisième millénaire. L'écrivain analyse ensuite les causes de la propagation du VIH et sida dans le monde en général et dans les pays arabes en particulier. Le cas du Maroc fait l'objet d'une étude de cas dans le présent article. …

  9. Les questions posées le plus souvents par les adolescents sur VIH/SIDA et la nouvelle génération et leurs réponses. Vol. 5.

    Le Programme Santé et Lutte contre le Sida de la GTZ a élaboré avec des adolescents un ensemble de 5 livrets abordant l'adolescence, les relations hommes-femmes, les rapports sexuels, les relations saines, le VIH et sida et la nouvelle génération. Il s'agit d'une adaptation aux besoins et aux réalités de la Guinée d'une précédente collection de livrets produite pour la Tanzanie. Ce cinquième livret est consacré aux questions liées aux VIH/SIDA et à la nouvelle génération (les modes de transmission, les moyens de se protéger, la vie lorsqu'on a contracté le virus.). …

  10. Bate Papo - Mesmo amando... não deixe de se proteger! Métodos Anticoncepcionais

    Esta banda desenhada faz parte de uma colecção que foi elaborada pelo Programa Municipal de DST/AIDS de Cubatão no Brasil. O material que é totalmente colorido e destinado a crianças e adolescentes, mete em cena sete jovens á procura de informações sobre o HIV/SIDA. Desta vez, as dúvidas da Turma do Bate Papo estão centradas na difícil decisão do início da vida sexual e suas implicações. A prevenção da gravidez e das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, e o uso dos métodos de contracepção que muitas vezes nao passam pela cabeça dos jovens que se apaixonam e descobrem como é bom estar juntos. …

  11. Bate Papo - Dicas de prevenção á DST/AIDS

    Esta banda desenhada faz parte de uma colecçao que foi elaborada pelo Programa Municipal de DST/AIDS de Cubatao no Brasil. O material que é totalmente colorido e destinado a crianças e adolescentes, mete em cena sete jovens à procura de informaçoes sobre o HIV/SIDA. Neste numero, os jovens fazem perguntas a um médico por intermédio da internet. As perguntas sao acerca das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis, os meios de transmissao e o exame do HIV/SIDA.

  12. HIV/SIDA Cuidados básicos

    Esta revista, elaborada pela N'Weti, é parte de um projecto regional de comunicação para a saúde que inclui alguns países do sul da Africa como o Botswana, o Lesotho e o Moçambique. É destinada aos jovens e responde a todo o tipo de perguntas relacionadas com os meios de transmissão do vírus, a utilização do preservativo, o tratamento anti-retroviral (TARV), as várias fases do HIV, como viver com o vírus, as mulheres seropositivas e a gravidez, os bebés e o HIV. As fotografias e as imagens ajudam a responder a todo o tipo de interrogações que os jovens podem ter acerca do HIV/SIDA. …

  13. HIV/SIDA Saiba mais... viva mais

    Esta revista foi elaborada pela N'Weti, uma ONG moçambicana apoiada pela Soul City Institute. É destinada as crianças e aos jovens e responde a todo o tipo de perguntas relacionadas com o HIV/SIDA. Os meios de transmissao do vírus, a utilizaçao do preservativo, o tratamento anti-retroviral (TARV), as várias fases do HIV, como viver com o vírus, as mulheres seropositivas e a gravidez, os bebés e o HIV. As fotografias e as imagens ajudam a responder a todo o tipo de interrogaçoes que os jovens podem ter acerca do HIV/SIDA. …

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