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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Global sexual and reproductive health service package for men and adolescent boys

    The Global Sexual and Reproductive Health Service Package for Men and Adolescent Boys has been developed to support providers of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services to increase the range and quality of services to meet the specific and diverse needs of men and adolescent boys. This package focuses specifically on the provision of such services integrated within clinical and non-clinical contexts and follows a gender-transformative approach. …

  2. Adolescent boys and young men: engaging them as supporters of gender equality and health and understanding their vulnerabilities

    This study of Adolescent Boys and Young Men highlights the importance of engaging adolescent boys and young men in sexual and reproductive health and rights (srhr) and gender equality. Not only is this engagement essential to achieve the full equality of women and girls, it also positively impacts the lives of men and boys themselves. This paper establishes a conceptual framework for engaging adolescent boys and young men. …

  3. Relative Risks and the Market for Sex: Teenagers, Sugar Daddies and HIV in Kenya

    An information campaign that provided Kenyan teenagers in randomly selected schools with the information that HIV prevalence was much higher among adult men and their partners than among teenage boys led to a 65% decrease in the incidence of pregnancies by adult partners among teenage girls in the treatment group relative to the comparison. This suggests a large reduction in the incidence of unprotected cross-generational sex. The information campaign did not increase pregnancies among teenage couples. …

  4. Attitudes of parents of young men towards the inclusion of sexual orientation and homophobia on the Irish post-primary curriculum

    The ‘Exploring Masculinities’ (EM) programme was piloted in 22 Irish single-sex boys’ post-primary schools during the late 1990s. Following objections from some influential journalists and an organisation representing parents whose sons attended Catholic secondary schools, the Minister for Education and Science put the planned dissemination of the programme on hold. The concerns of the objectors included the proposed treatment of sexual orientation and homophobia in the context of the school curriculum. …

  5. Shaping AIDS Education and Prevention Programs for African Americans Amidst Community Decline

    AIDS education must be tailored to the target community's needs. A three-pronged approach is needed to mitigate the AIDS epidemic within the African American community. Firstly, the notion that AIDS and the drug abuse epidemics are a conspiracy must be dispelled and converted into a movement to save African Americans. Secondly, African American men and women, separately then together, must take responsibility for the gender role changes that have encouraged HIV and STI infections. …

  6. The Association of AIDS Education and Sex Education with Sexual Behavior and Condom Use Among Teenage Men

    A 1998 national U.S. survey of 15-19 year olds found that 73% had received education about AIDS, 79% about birth control and 58% about resisting sexual activity. Multivariate analysis shows that AIDS and sex education moderately but significantly decreased number of sexual partners and frequency of intercourse in the year prior to the survey. This type of education was also associated with more consistent condom use. Education on some topics was associated with increased knowledge and improved attitudes about AIDS, but these did not always correlate with safer sexual behavior.

  7. Invisible difference in space: the role of different spaces in homophobic bullying in schools

    This small-scale piece of research was undertaken to examine, retrospectively, the experiences of 10 men, ages 27 through 53, in terms of what constitutes and influences homophobic bullying in the private and state school contexts in the United Kingdom. Using standpoint epistemology and a life histories method, the author investigates what is meant by homophobia and homophobic bullying; tries to identify why respondents think the bullying they suffered was homophobic in nature; and identifies and develops an understanding of the role different spaces play within school. …

  8. Sexualidade e saúde reprodutiva

    Este caderno apresenta e discute aspectos que permeiam as práticas sexuais e de saúde reprodutiva dos jovens rapazes. Tais práticas são determinadas por um complexo conjunto de fatores, destacando-se particularmente a interação cultural - construída em cenários em que as relações de gênero definem hierarquias - e as formas políticoeconômicas de organização das sociedades. Podemos afirmar, portanto, que mulheres e homens não se comportam de uma maneira ou de outra em função de sua própria natureza, mas são produtos de uma construção social. …

  9. Acá entre Hombres. Respuestas para el Bienestar Sexual

    Guía informativa orientada principalmente a hombres que están en proceso de asumir su homosexualidad o tienen sexo con otros hombres. Se basa en un esquema de preguntas y respuestas, abarcando temas de afectividad, sexualidad y prevención de ITS y VIH/SIDA. Si bien está enfocado a la realidad mexicana, gran parte de sus contenidos son para lectores de cualquier país. En su parte final incluye una guía sobre las ITS, un listado de profesionales médicos que trabajan con HSH y recursos bibliográficos y de internet.

  10. Project H: working with young men series

    This series of five manuals focuses on young men. While many initiatives have sought to empower women in addressing gender-based inequality, the needs of young men appear often to have been neglected. This manual applies a gender perspective in working with young men. It incorporates two major perspectives: gender specificity and gender equity. It seeks to engage boys and to reflect about gender inequalities, to reflect about the ways that women are often disadvantaged and have to take responsibility for childcare, sexual and reproductive health and domestic work. …

  11. The potential of comprehensive sex education in China: findings from Suburban Shanghai

    This study examines the impact of a comprehensive sex education program carried out in a Shanghai suburb with unmarried 15-24 year-olds over a period of 20 months. Though participation in the intervention was not associated with delayed sexual initiation, it was associated with increased odds of contraceptive use and condom use, and with decreased odds of sexual coercion during the intervention period. Additionally, the proportion of youth reporting pregnancy involvement during the intervention period was significantly lower in the intervention group than among controls.

  12. Choose a future! Issues and options for adolescent boys in India: a source book of participatory learning activities

    Choose a Future! is targeted at 10 to 19-year-old boys. It seeks to develop supportive relationships, expand analysis skills, decision-making, problem solving and negotiating skills and to increase access to resources. It is also designed to promote gender equality as well as tolerance, appreciation and diversity in order to prevent communal violence. The curricula are articulated around activities such as discussion, reflection and role-play to help participants apply their new knowledge and skills to their own situation. …

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