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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. The Global Fund's strategy for ensuring gender equality in the response to HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria

    Le présent document présente la stratégie du Fonds mondial visant à garantir l'égalité des genres dans le cadre de la réaction au VIH/sida, à la tuberculose et au paludisme. Il met en évidence la manière dont les inégalités entre les hommes et les femmes entretiennent la propagation de la maladie et affectent la capacité des femmes et des jeunes filles, mais aussi des hommes et des garçons, à accéder équitablement aux services de soins et aux autres services. …

  2. Programme VIH/SIDA. Faits marquants 2008-09

    Le présent rapport met en évidence les apports de l'OMS à l'accès universel en 2008 et 2009. Il décrit la façon dont l'OMS travaille et identifie des réalisations spécifiques dans chacun des cinq domaines stratégiques suivants : 1) permettre aux patients de connaitre leur statu sérologique ; 2) maximiser la contribution du secteur de la santé à la prévention du VIH ; 3) accélérer l'extension du traitement et des soins en matière de VIH ; 4) renforcer et étendre les systèmes de santé ; et 5) investir dans l'information stratégique pour tenter de mieux étayer la riposte au VIH.

  3. Protocol for Child Counseling on HIV Testing, Disclosure and Support

    This protocol has been developed to meet a need for guidance on counseling of children and their parents/guardians about HIV/AIDS in 30 USAID/FHI projects with orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) under the IMPACT project in India. The document is a product of national and international experience on counseling with expert advice gathered through a two-day national meeting of child psychologists, child psychiatrists and social workers, as well as regional meetings with 30 NGOs working with children on HIV/AIDS issues. …

  4. Love Bugs. Informations sur les maladies sexuellement transmissibles pour les hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec d'autres hommes

    Love Bugs est une brochure éditée par l'Aide Suisse contre le Sida à l'intention des hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec d'autres hommes. Elle a pour but de présenter quelques informations permettant au lecteur d'évaluer lui-même si elles s'appliquent à sa vie sexuelle ou à celle de ses partenaires. Elle encourage une attitude responsable face à la sexualité, ce qui implique aussi, entre autre, la connaissance de quelques maladies sexuellement transmissible. …

  5. Overlooked and Uninformed: Young Adolescents' Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

    Overlooked and Uninformed: Young Adolescents' Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights is a short informational brief focusing on young adolescents across the world and their needs to know about their bodies and their sexual rights and responsibilities. It aims to inform policymaking on the importance to include 10-14 years old adolescents in programs and policy regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights. The document states that all young people need information and skills to protect themselves from harm and to make free, informed, and responsible sexual and reproductive decisions. …

  6. Plano Integrado de Enfrentamento da Feminização da Epidemia de Aids e outras DST

    Plano Integrado de Enfrentamento da Feminização da Epidemia de Aids e outras DST e um documento elaborado pelo Ministério da Saúde do Brasil em 2007. Resultado de uma parceria que procurou reunir esforços e alçar voo a partir da articulação intersetorial e da participação de parceiras/os da sociedade civil, o Plano tem como elemento fundamental o enfrentamento das múltiplas vulnerabilidades que contribuem para que as mulheres brasileiras estejam mais suscetíveis à infecção pelo HIV e a outras doenças sexualmente transmissíveis. …

  7. Reproductive Health of Arab Young People

    Reproductive Health of Arab Young People is a short article written by J. DeJong of the Faculty of Health Sciences, American University of Beirut, and G- El-Khoury of Unicef Middle East and North Africa Region from Amman, Jordan, in 2006. It presents the current situation in the Arab region regarding sexual and reproductive services and information. It shows that cultural taboos are still limiting young people's access, especially for those unmarried, to integrated health services including contraception for sexually active adolescents and health education. …

  8. Comprehensive counseling for reproductive health : an integrated curriculum: participant's handbook

    The curriculum on counselling for reproductive health is intended for heath care providers, supervisors, and the managers for the programmes in which they work. The curriculum aims to help in developing knowledge about, skills in, attitudes toward, and comfort with effective communication and counselling in all areas of reproductive health, including sexuality. The counselling skills addressed are relevant to the provision of both preventive and curative health services through the particiapants' national health systems.

  9. Legal issues and school-based and school-linked health centers

    This document is an introduction for staff, advocates, and others to the legal issues facing school-based and school-linked health centers SBHC/SLHCs, with examples and discussion intended for non-lawyers.

  10. National HIV/AIDS and Reproductive Health Survey

    The 2003 National HIV/AIDS and Reproductive Health Survey (NARHS) is a nationally representative survey of 10 000 respondents consisting of 5 128 women aged 15-49 years and 4 962 men aged 15-64 years. …

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