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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Live life positively: know your HIV status

    On World AIDS Day 2018, HIV testing is being brought into the spotlight. And for good reason. Around the world, 37 million people are living with HIV, the highest number ever, yet a quarter do not know that they have the virus.

  2. Linking sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS. Gateways to integration: a case study from Swaziland

    This document is in three parts. It first discusses the 4 prongs for the elimination of HIV infection among children; in other words, the 4 prongs of PMTCT. The 4 prongs are: (1) preventing unintended pregnancies among women living with HIV, (2) preventing new HIV infections, (3) safer infant feedings, and (4) treatment. This document focuses primarily on the first 2 prongs and how PMTCT is critical because the impact of keeping children alive will be lost if their mothers are not also kept alive. …

  3. HIV Counselling Trainer's Manual for the Asia-Pacific

    This trainer's manual was developed to facilitate the delivery of high-quality HIV counselling training courses. It forms part of the HIV Counselling Resource Training Package, which also includes the HIV Counselling Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Voluntary Counselling and Testing, Provider-Initiated Testing and Counselling, and Care Counselling and Tools for HIV Counselling.

  4. HIV Counselling Handbook for the Asia-Pacific

    This handbook was developed for trainers, counsellors in training, and working counsellors to assist them in delivering high-quality HIV testing and counselling services. It highlights the important contribution of counsellors to HIV prevention, care, and support activities and forms one of three parts of the HIV Counselling Resource Package, which also includes trainer's session plans, participatory learning activities, and an HIV counsellor's toolkit.

  5. Feasibility, acceptability, effectiveness and cost of models integrating HIV prevention and counseling and testing for HIV within family planning services in North West Province, South Africa

    In South Africa, care and support and antiretroviral (ARV) treatment for individuals infected with HIV is available at a few selected hospitals as a first step in the national treatment roll out. However, counseling and testing for HIV (C&T;) is currently limited to antenatal care (ANC) settings and a few stand-alone centers. Uptake is limited, even within the ANC setting where C&T; is systematically offered to clients for the prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT). C&T; services have yet to be integrated into other reproductive health services. …

  6. THE TEST: A Test in Time Saves Lives: An activity handbook for helping teenagers learn about VCT (Voluntary Counselling and Testing for HIV/AIDS)

    This guide is a resource booklet for adult and peer facilitators to encourage young people between the ages of 11-18 to explore the issues surrounding Voluntary Counselling and Testing for HIV/AIDS (VCT) through holistic interactive programmes (combination of heart, head and hand responses) that help them achieve their right to health. This booklet came about as a result of a national process to develop guidelines and a code of conduct for VCT for HIV, relating to children. …

  7. Rapport mission RDRs. Prévention et réduction des risques dans les groupes à haut risque vis-à-vis du VIH et des IST

    Rapport mission RDRs. Prévention et réduction des risques dans les groupes à haut risque vis-à-vis du VIH et des IST est la version longue de ce rapport. Il reprend in extenso les 96 recommandations déjà présentes dans la version courte post-Comité de Pilotage du 20 novembre 2009, rendues publiques le 27 novembre 2009 par Madame Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin. Cette version comprend l'argumentaire et l'analyse bibliographique ayant permis la construction de ces recommandations. En annexe figurent différentes contributions écrites et l'expression de certains dissensus. …

  8. Prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS among drug using populations: a global perspective

    This document is the report of the consultation meeting "Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS Among drug Using Populations: A Global Perspective" held in Washington, D.C: on January 11-12. The overarching goal of the meeting was to advance understanding of the global HIV and substance abuse epidemics and highlight the importance of including drug abusers - particularly injection drug users (IDUs) - in any comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to HIV prevention and treatment. …

  9. Programme VIH/SIDA. Faits marquants 2008-09

    Le présent rapport met en évidence les apports de l'OMS à l'accès universel en 2008 et 2009. Il décrit la façon dont l'OMS travaille et identifie des réalisations spécifiques dans chacun des cinq domaines stratégiques suivants : 1) permettre aux patients de connaitre leur statu sérologique ; 2) maximiser la contribution du secteur de la santé à la prévention du VIH ; 3) accélérer l'extension du traitement et des soins en matière de VIH ; 4) renforcer et étendre les systèmes de santé ; et 5) investir dans l'information stratégique pour tenter de mieux étayer la riposte au VIH.

  10. Protocol for Child Counseling on HIV Testing, Disclosure and Support

    This protocol has been developed to meet a need for guidance on counseling of children and their parents/guardians about HIV/AIDS in 30 USAID/FHI projects with orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) under the IMPACT project in India. The document is a product of national and international experience on counseling with expert advice gathered through a two-day national meeting of child psychologists, child psychiatrists and social workers, as well as regional meetings with 30 NGOs working with children on HIV/AIDS issues. …

  11. Love Bugs. Informations sur les maladies sexuellement transmissibles pour les hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec d'autres hommes

    Love Bugs est une brochure éditée par l'Aide Suisse contre le Sida à l'intention des hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec d'autres hommes. Elle a pour but de présenter quelques informations permettant au lecteur d'évaluer lui-même si elles s'appliquent à sa vie sexuelle ou à celle de ses partenaires. Elle encourage une attitude responsable face à la sexualité, ce qui implique aussi, entre autre, la connaissance de quelques maladies sexuellement transmissible. …

  12. HIV testing, treatment and prevention: generic tools for operational research

    As part of its efforts to obtain evidence to inform the public health approach to HIV treatment and prevention, the HIV/AIDS Department of the World Health Organization has developed tools for operational research on topics that have relevance to programmes. The tools include two major parts: 1) A main document which is intended to serve as a basis for formulating research questions and designing an operational research project to address them. …

  13. Encuesta CAP (Conocimientos, Actitudes y Prácticas) para las y los Proveedores de Atención a la Salud y otro Personal en relación con el VIH/SIDA

    Test orientado a personal que hace la consejería para la prueba voluntaria del VIH, para medir conocimientos, actitudes y prácticasáacerca del VIH/SIDA. El documento incluye las respuestas al test, para poder medir los resultados.

  14. Red Ribbon. It's not who you are that puts you at risk for HIV infection. It's what you do.

    Red Ribbon is a booklet which is part of the pilot project "Engaging Young People to Prevent the Spread of HIV" implemented by the NGO SPACE (Society for People's Awareness, Care and Empowerment) and supported by UNESCO, New Delhi. In 2007, this project is already operational in 10 colleges of Delhi University and aims to enhance knowledge and skills of young people so that they are empowered to respond effectively to the challenges posed by HIV and AIDS. The booklet aims to address the questions, misconceptions and myths prevalent among educated youth about HIV and AIDS and related issues. …

  15. Sandrine: vivre positif

    Ce document est une bande dessinée publiée par l'IRESCO (Institut de Recherche et des Etudes de Comportements) établi à Yaoundé dans le cadre du projet "Entre nous jeunes" financé par le Fonds des Nations Unies pour la Population. L'histoire mise en scène est celle d'une jeune fille de 17 ans, Sandrine, qui apprend de son médecin qu'elle est séropositive. Elle est très surprise car elle n'a eu qu'un seul partenaire sexuel dans sa vie, qu'elle est fidèle et qu'elle pense que son partenaire l'est aussi. …

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