Bethesda, MD: Abt Associates Inc., 2010. 32 p.
Abt Associates Inc.
There is now a broad consensus that an enabling policy environment is needed to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic, given its cross-cutting nature. This realisation has led to an increasing demand for dedicated policies for informing and guiding programming and activity planning regarding HIV/AIDS. It would, however, appear that there is a dearth of policy development skills among the majority of actors in the HIV/AIDS subsector. Past efforts to develop HIV/AIDS policy often lacked analytical depth and failed to identify key HIV/AIDS issue areas. This led to policy measures that contributed little to institutional efforts to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on employees and their families. In addition inadequate appreciation of policy and the policy process led to disjointed implementation of approved HIV/AIDS policies. This guide to HIV/AIDS policy development is meant to address these shortcomings. It is intended to impart basic skills for HIV/AIDS policy development. It may also be used to formulate policies on other areas.
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