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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Sexual politics and sexual rights in Brazil: An overview

    The objective of this text is to survey the political construction of sexual rights in Brazil working on themes that are especially relevant to the configuration of these rights (reproduction/abortion, STDs/AIDS and sexual diversity), and mapping the main actors, the legal instruments now in place or still being discussed and, lastly, the public policies that have been adopted in the last two decades. …

  2. Girls decide: Choices on sex and pregnancy

    This publication is part of a larger IPPF initiative called Girls Decide. The initiative aims to ensure that girls’ and young women’s sexuality and pregnancy-related issues are effectively addressed by leaders and service providers. Girls Decide: Choices on Sex and Pregnancy presents a selection of innovative projects that are examples of good practice, and offer great potential for poverty reduction, female empowerment and development. These projects can guide policy- and decision-makers, educators, service providers and community leaders in rethinking strategies for girls and young women

  3. Gender, sex and HIV: How to adress issues that no-one want to hear about

    This paper discusses the limitations of conventional Information, Education and Communication (IEC) approaches to HIV prevention and describes Stepping Stones, one approach which 1) is more holistic in recognising the location of HIV in a broader sexual and reproductive health (SRH) context; 2) emphasises the importance of a gendered perspective throughout; and 3) works on the basis that, with good facilitation, ordinary community members are those most able to develop the best solutions for their own sexual health needs.

  4. First sexual intercourse and subsequent regret in three developing countries

    The authors analyzed the reasons behind first sex, cases of regret, and the association between reasons and regret. They provided a questionnaire to 8,495 high school students ages 14–18 years residing in the Philippines, El Salvador, and Peru. Sexually active participants were asked what circumstances led them to become involved in their first sexual relationship. They also were asked whether they regretted having already had sexual relationships. …

  5. Imagined futures IV: sexualities and silences. Conference report

    This conference aimed to explore and understand the determinants of student behaviour in order to develop the best prevention programmes. Sessions included: Gender and HIV; Sexual and Reproductive Rights; VCT - an entry point or stumbling block.

  6. Kenya national HIV and AIDS communication strategy for youth, 2007

    This Communication Strategy provides a broad framework that will guide communication on youth and HIV and AIDS in Kenya for the next three years. It intends to address needs and gaps in communication programming identified in the areas of knowledge, skills and self-efficacy, capacity, coordination, policy support and utilisation of services. These issues were identified through a situation analysis conducted at the beginning of developing this strategy, and from consultations with stakeholders implementing HIV and AIDS programmes among the youth.

  7. Facts of life. Youth sexuality and reproductive health in the Middle East and North Africa

    This report looks at young people across the MENA region and the challenges they face in their transition to adulthood, specifically their sexual and reproductive health - a culturally sensitive topic for societies in MENA. The report highlights the urgency of acknowledging and addressing the needs of young people for sexual and reproductive health information and services.

  8. Social mobilization for prevention and control of HIV and AIDS: behavioral change communication material development guideline

    This behavioral change communication material development guideline has been developed by the Federal HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Office (FHAPCO) in collaboration with the Ethiopian health sector development partners working on communication in HIV. The document offers step-by-step guidelines for developing/producing accurate, useful, and action oriented behavioral change communication materials to meet the communication needs of HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care and support programs. The document is divided into three major sections. …

  9. Plano Nacional de Enfrentamento da Epidemia de AIDS e das DST entre Gays, HSH e Travestis

    O Ministério da Saúde, em parceria com o Conselho Nacional dos Secretários de Saúde (CONASS) e o Conselho Nacional de Secretários Municipais de Saúde (CONASEMS), apresenta às instituições que atuam no campo da promoção da saúde, dos direitos humanos, dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos o Plano Nacional de Enfrentamento da Epidemia de Aids e DST entre Gays, outros Homens que fazem Sexo com Homens (HSH) e Travestis. …

  10. Prevention of HIV/AIDS among young people in Bangladesh: improving access to life skills based sexual and reproductive health education and condom services for male youth

    Around the world youth often do not have access to basic sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information, skills in negotiating sexual relationships and access to affordable confidential SRH services. They lack proper knowledge about their own or their partners' sexuality, communicate very little about sex in their relationships, and believe in numerous sexual myths. In Bangladesh, youth aged 15-24 years represent approximately one-sixth (23 million) of the total population. …

  11. Healthy, happy and hot: a young person's guide to their rights, sexuality and living with HIV

    This guide aims to support young people's sexual pleasure and health, and to help them develop strong intimate relationships. It explores how human rights and sexual well-being are related and suggests strategies to help make decisions about dating, relationships, sex and parenthood. …

  12. Nous les jeunes - L'éducation sexuelle à l'école : Fiches d'éducation sexuelle pour les garçons

    Matériel d'information et de formation basé sur les méthodes de la pédagogie active destiné aux adolescents guinéens (classe 5ème et 6ème). Il contient des illustrations, des mises en situation, de jeux-tests et de jeux de rôles.

  13. Adolescent sexual health in West Africa: rights, realities, responses

    This publication is addressed to people who work with adolescents in West Africa, be it as teachers, nurses or social workers, as activists, politicians or bureaucrats, in national institutions or in international organisations. It draws attention to the rights and needs of a demographic group that is often neglected in social development initiatives. The publication is part of Plan's effort to refocus the lens used to view the African continent. …

  14. Protocols for community based youth friendly health services for rural youth in the context of HIV and AIDS

    This Protocol is a part of Oxfam's efforts to promote the provision of community based sexual, reproductive health and HIV services for young people in the rural and tribal areas. The protocol can be used by the various community based health service providers in the rural areas for providing information services, counselling and testing, treatment for RTIs/STIs and other infections and home based care for people living with HIV. …

  15. National standards and implementation guide for youth friendly health services

    In order to ensure quality services for the youth, the National STIs and HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Program, Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health in collaboration with Reproductive Health Program and the Comprehensive School Health program has developed National Standards for Youth Friendly Health Services and implementation guide that will enable all health workers to mainstream youth friendly services in our delivery system. …


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