Poverty and persistent social and economic inequalities contribute to differential school access and learning, which often carries over after schooling to unequal economic outcomes and political empowerment. Increased urbanization is giving rise to new dimensions of inequality, while the poverty common to many rural areas persists. Orphans and vulnerable children, including those affected by conflict, continue to have limited access to their rights to education and receive limited attention in government monitoring. In working to address social and economic inequalities in its policy and planning activities, IIEP will continue to pay particular attention to gender inequality.
While progress has been made in addressing gender inequalities – the number of girls out of primary school has been cut in half since 1999 and the number of out of school teenage girls fell by over one-third – the world is far from achieving gender equality in education. It remains an urgent priority. In addition, evidence continues to emerge on the prevalence of gender-based violence and its role as a barrier to the education of girls.
IIEP has conducted policy research on gender equality in learning achievement and educational leadership. Under its current strategy, IIEP will build on this work by supporting the interpretation and use of gender-relevant data and evidence, including learning achievement, to guide policy and programme design at country level. A technical assistance offer to conduct country-level gender diagnostics will be developed. This will be complemented by the expansion of the current training offer and policy advice.