2004. 14 p.
Belize. Government
<p>Belize ranks first in terms of per capita population for HIV/AIDS incidence in Central America. It is 4th in the Caribbean, and 34th globally. The first AIDS case was reported in 1986. In Belize, there has been rapid growth of the epidemic in the 19 years since the first case was confirmed. This paper presents the Belize policy in the World of Work, which establishes a set of guidelines to protect the health as well as the earning power of workers, and the productivity of Belizean business and industry in the face of the challenge presented by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The three main objectives are: - To develop concrete responses at enterprise, community, regional, sectoral and national levels to deal with issues of HIV prevention, stigma and discrimination, the productivity of workers and businesses, and the care and support of workers infected or affected by HIV/AIDS; - To promote processes of dialogue, consultations, negotiations and all forms of co-operation between government, employers and workers and their representatives, occupational health personnel, specialists in HIV/AIDS issues, and all relevant stakeholders; - To give effect to its contents in consultation with the social partners in national laws, policies and programmes of action, workplace/enterprise agreements, and workplace policies and plans of action.</p>
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