IIEP supports governments in planning and managing their education systems so that they can achieve their national objectives as well as internationally agreed development goals.
"You really aren’t an educational planner until you have been through the IIEP"
Melissa McTavish (Lunan), Kingston, Jamaica, Former Trainee
IIEP develops sustainable educational capacity through:
- Training of education professionals, including through our Advanced Training Programme (Paris), our Regional Training Course (IIEP Buenos Aires) and our courses on Sector Analysis and Management offered in cooperation with the University of the Gambia and the University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar. We also have a regular offer of short courses, through face-to-face or online, as well as tailored on-site or blended training.
- Technical cooperation to ministries of education and institutions to strengthen and expand countries own expertise. The Institute is engaged in joint work with fifty to sixty UNESCO Member States at any one time.
- Applied research that allows us to anticipate the needs of education systems and proposes innovative solutions on educational issues including gender equality, integrity planning, governance and quality assurance, education financing, teacher careers and youth participation.
- Sharing knowledge with all actors in the education community. IIEP publishes a number of books, policy briefs and other documents each year aimed at planners, decision-makers, researchers, and development organizations. In addition, our website offers free downloads of more than 1,500 books, guidelines, and policy briefs; Planipolis, a portal of 190 countries’ education plans and policies; the UNESCO Clearinghouse on HIV&Health in education; thematic portals on ethics and corruption, capacity development, decentralization in education; and many other resources.
As part of the UN System, IIEP works at international, regional, and local levels with renowned public and private organizations, and actively participates in several networks to successfully achieve its mandate and its missions.
With more than 50 years of experience of developing capacity to design and implement education policies and plans that fit countries' needs and conditions, the IIEP will continue to play a unique role on the international stage, assisting countries with challenges yet to come.