Advanced Training Programme (ATP): a professionally oriented programme
The Advanced Training Programme (or ATP) in Educational Planning and Management has, for five decades now, been successfully developing professional expertise and leadership skills in the area of educational planning and management. This professional expertise developed during the programme has in turn contributed to the creation of sustainable institutional capacity for education development. The ATP leads to an IIEP certificate at the Master's level.
The ATP in Educational Planning and Management is an intensive programme consisting of a 3-month online phase and a 6-month residential phase in Paris. When participants return to their countries, they must complete a final project during 3-month, meant to contextualize ATP learning achievements within the specific educational and institutional environment in which each participant operates.
What is the aim of the ATP?
The programme’s objectives are to:
- Strengthen skills and competencies in education policy analysis, sector diagnosis, plan formulation, and their implementation, monitoring, and evaluation,
- Develop competencies in strategic management and leadership in education,
- Strengthen skills and competencies in using educational planning and management techniques and tools, including information systems,
- Foster the participants’ personal and professional development through the acquisition or reinforcement of generic competencies and abilities.
Structure and courses
Part 1. Course on Education Sector Planning (ESP)
Consisting of a 3-month online learning phase followed by 3-month of residential training, the Education Sector Planning course provides participants with the fundamentals of educational planning: from education sector diagnosis to the preparation and monitoring of plan implementation. Course work includes education statistics for planning and management; it positions sector work within the larger context of socio-economic development, demographics, and the evolving development aid context. The programme includes field visits allowing on-site briefings and analysis of the French education system.
>> Learn more about the ESP course
Part 2. Specialized Courses and tutored project
6 specialized 2-week courses are offered at IIEP, grouped in two parallel streams.
Stream 1: Education Planning and Analysis focuses on the analysis of information for decision-making.
Stream 2: Planning and Management focuses on operational planning and implementation.
Participants wishing to obtain the IIEP Master's-level certification are required to successfully complete a minimum of 3 specialized courses. A range of IIEP specialized courses are also provided online. Each specialized course is separately assessed and validated in order to allow those who choose to complete the ATP over a period of several years to complete a course portfolio in the residential and/or distance mode.
A first project to be completed at the end of this phase (Tutored project) gives participants an opportunity to design and carry out a piece of individual work as a “reflective practitioner”, in an area of educational planning and management closely related to their country’s context and of practical relevance to their current or future professional responsibilities. Participants thus acquire advanced-level conceptual and analytical skills associated with this type of task.
>> Learn more about Specialized courses
Part 3. Preparation of a final Project
To complete the ATP, upon their return to their workplace, participants are required to prepare a final project. This can be a professional paper focused on a specific workplace-related tool (e.g. EMIS, simulation models) or task (e.g. projects design, budgets preparation, plan monitoring) or an applied research paper on a topic of relevance to educational development in their home country. This is expected to further increase the relevance of the ATP to the diversity of challenges faced by Member States.
Participants are requested to undertake this assignment within 3 month after their return home. Upon successful completion of their in-country project, in addition to the Paris-based components of the Programme, participants are awarded a Master’s-level certification.
They and their employers/supervisors are requested to provide the Institute with feedback on the relevance of the final project and other elements of their advanced training at IIEP.
>> Practical information
Session 2018-2019 (Application)
Join the 54rd session of the ATP (September 2018 - October 2019).
Click here to apply.
IIEP Certification
Participants who complete all the phases of the ATP are awarded the IIEP Certificate in Educational Planning and Management.
The awarding of the IIEP Master’s-level certificate is subject to the fulfilment of specific conditions and score requirements.
The ATP is aligned with the Bologna process and applies the European Credits Transfer System (ECTS). It is recognized and accredited as Master by CAMES.
Multicultural and multi-lingual environment
A bilingual programme delivered in English and French, the ATP provides a unique opportunity for participants – who come from different continents, countries, and cultures, but who have a common interest in education development – to share their professional experiences.
Alumni network
After the participant returns to his/her home country, the IIEP Alumni Network offers many opportunities to maintain contact with the large and growing international circle of former ATP trainees, and to continue the study experience through learning events organized online at regular intervals by IIEP.
Practical information and fees
Find on this page all the practical information on the ATP and related costs