Specialized Courses Programme (SCP): 6 advanced-level short-term courses
The Specialized Courses Programme (SCP) offers 6 specializations and the option to learn from top experts from around the world. In order to fulfil the needs of today’s educational planners, we offer 6 intensive, short-term, specialized courses in specific areas of educational planning and management.
Find practical information here.
6 courses in 2 streams
This year, 6 specialization courses are offered through the SCP. The courses are organized and delivered in 2 separate specialization streams:
- Educational Planning and Analysis (EPA) stream concentrates on concepts, tools and techniques related to educational planning.
- Educational Planning and Management (EPM) stream concentrates on concepts and skills in the area of management of educational systems, programmes and projects.
Credits and certification
Upon completion of the course or courses taken, the trainee receives a certificate of participation from IIEP indicating the title and dates of each course attended.
A participant taking a specialization course and fulfilling stipulated assessment requirements is granted the full number of credits defined for the course. The credits obtained through the specialization courses can be transferred to the Advanced Training Programme (ATP) in order to eventually complete the ATP and obtain the IIEP recognized as a Master in Educational Planning and Management.
To qualify for the ATP certification, a candidate is required to take 3 specialization courses. Admission to the full ATP is conditional upon submission of a separate application and the acceptance of the candidature by the Selection Committee.
Training environment
The SCP courses are taught in English and French; an expert team of interpreters ensures simultaneous interpretation. Group work is organized in linguistic groups.
Teaching/learning activities span a variety of modes ranging from lectures, seminars, and discussions to practical exercises, simulations and individual, as well as group work. The work methods call for the active involvement of and contribution from each participant.
How to apply
Practical information an fees
Find on this page all the practical information on the SCP and related costs