Education is financed by several actors: the state, private sector, communities and households. To ensure equity, suitable financing policies are required, which do not put an unsupportable burden on households. However, financing also needs to be sustainable and therefore government funding cannot be unlimited. The challenge for governments is to find the right balance between the roles of the state, private sector, communities and households in education financing.
IIEP offers tools and methodologies to manage and monitor financing policies or even help institutions to implement such policies.
Methodology development for financing data of a higher quality
Supported by GPE, IIEP-Paris and Pôle de Dakar are working with the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) to carry out work on Education financing: Development of methodologies to improve national reporting on financing flows. The project helps address the current lack of detailed education finance data available for national sector planning, analysis and international monitoring of EFA goals. The work is being conducted in eight GPE countries: five in sub-Saharan Africa, two in Asia, and one in Central America. IIEP leads the work on National Education Accounts, developing a complete portrait of education finance flows for two countries, along with a concrete example of implementing National Education Accounts that will serve as a model for other countries.
Financial Framework of education policy in Africa
To complement education sector diagnoses, the Pôle de Dakar supports the elaboration of macrofinancial frameworks for the education policy options being considered by partner authorities. The conception of a financial simulation model enables the estimation of the logistic and financial implications of the different education policy options under consideration by countries, in the light of the national resources available to the sector.
This type of model covers the entire education system and also enables the verification of the global coherence of the policy under consideration, and especially its articulation between different subsectors.
It enables the evaluation of the physical-financial feasibility of the education systems’ different development options, and to draw policy-makers’ attention to the country’s capacity to implement its policy choices.