Encouraging reforms through cutting-edge research
IIEP is a “learning institute” and must keep abreast of international trends in educational planning and management and show oversight in the evolution of educational needs. Its Research programme aims at identifying current trends in educational policies and at documenting new approaches related to technical and methodological aspects of educational planning and management. It pays particular attention to the creation of a conducive environment for evidence-based reforms in education, through the publication of policy briefs, the organization of research seminars, policy forums and online debates.
Producing research with foresight
IIEP’s conducts several activities enable it to be informed of the educational environment worldwide and at the same time feed new ideas and approaches back into its research, training and technical cooperation work. These include:
- the Fundamentals of Educational Planning series, IIEP’s flagship publication
- foresight papers
- strategic debates which foster reflection and discussion on promising trends for educational planning and management
Key research priorities
The lines along which IIEP’s research is directed are determined by the needs that arise from the development of today’s education systems, particularly in developing countries. IIEP research priorities for 2014-17 are in line with UNESCO priorities set for post-2015 as follows:
- Gender equality
- Governance and quality assurance
- Integrity planning
- School grants
- Teacher careers
- Youth participation
Ensuring high quality research
In order to ensure high quality research an advisory board is currently being established to guide IIEP in the development of its research work. This new council will be composed of the world’s most distinguished and creative contributors to knowledge in the field of educational planning and management.
Promoting research collaboration
IIEP’s research programme relies on fruitful synergies between IIEP-Headquarters, IIEP-Buenos Aires, and Pôle de Dakar. It is developed in close collaboration with national research centers and local researchers, thus contributing to the strengthening of their capacities and the development of south-south collaboration.
A wide range of stakeholders support IIEP research, including the Global Partnership for Education; UNICEF; The Hewlett Foundations and the MacArthur Foundations – to mention but a few.