In the recent years, IIEP has gone quite a mile in the gender-related activities covering training, research, technical cooperation, and policy advice.
- Policy Forum and e-Forum on Gender Equality to exchange dialogue with policy makers;
- Bi-directional research studies on gender equality (learning achievement and leadership) that informed educational policy and planning;
- DFID-funded rigorous literature review on gender equality which confirmed the recognition of IIEP’s expertise on research;
- Continuous collaboration with SACMEQ on capacity building for national teams on gender-related research which has built country ownership;
- Partnership with UNGEI, UNESCO Bangkok, USAID, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a various gender-related activities – validating gender tool in Eritrea, serving in an expert panel to review gender research in Asia, operationalizing school-related gender-based violence, etc.;
IIEP is undertaking a major gender mainstreaming exercise on training materials which is expected to make impact through our participants responsible for making policy about gender equality in education.
Gender Mainstreaming Project
During 2014 the ATP was the focus of gender mainstreaming.
A gender mainstreaming stock-taking grid is used to evaluate various criteria (terminology, stereotypes, references, data, equality type, level or issue) and provide concrete proposals. The review is then followed by consultations with Course Coordinators to discuss the feasibility of the proposals and to monitor progress in implementation.
Sub-regional capacity building on research into gender equality in learning outcomes and learning environment
During 2012-2013, a pilot programme “Stories behind gender differences in student achievements in Kenya” was implemented by IIEP in collaboration with UNICEF-ESARO. While the research book has been completed in 2014, it is important to disseminate the results to influence the government's education policy and planning, as well as to share the experience with other countries, with a focus on the school-level factors that impact gender equality in learning outcomes.
This work complemented a publication bringing together global literature and case study findings from two countries (Argentina and Kenya). It highlighted the fact that despite the increased feminization of the teaching profession, the most high-ranking positions in educational leadership and management in these countries (as in most countries) remain occupied by men. A matter of right and reason: Gender equality in educational planning and management will be published soon.