Swapping ideas and experiences on educational planning issues
The objective of an e-Forum is to enable the exchange of ideas, best practices, data and documentation, with the view to facilitate interregional collaboration.
IIEP's e-Forums are available to everyone and bring together participants from education ministries, international organizations, NGOs, and others from all over the world. They are a channel for keeping abreast of the issues faced by education planners and for drawing on international experiences.
Our e-Forums make use of the latest IIEP publications and research. Lasting two to four weeks, debate is led by international experts.
Recent e-Forums
The IIEP Learning Portal held the last IIEP e-Forum from 16-27 November 2015. Entitled ‘Inclusive and equitable quality education for all: Towards a global framework for measuring learning?’, the e-Forum explored the extent to which current learning assessments meet the needs for monitoring learning outcomes in different regions and education systems across the world.
Over 900 participants from around the world joined the discussion and brought diverse perspectives to bear on the question of what role learning assessments may play in the context of the new Education 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals. Read the executive summary here.
In November 2014, IIEP also held the e-Forum ‘Planning and organizing distance training for educational planners’.
In recent years, a significant number of ministries of education have started introducing distance education to train educational planners and managers. Compared to traditional teaching methods, distance education allows training a large number of individuals in different geographical areas in a flexible and cost-effective manner. The aim of this e-Forum was to exchange ideas and methods on how to develop and implement those distance training programmes for educational planners and staff from other public institutions.