Past Publications
MOST Policy Papers
MOST Policy Papers are designed according to a specific policy analysis methodology. A generic structure produces different types of documents from the same original content, and differentiates format and access in various modes so as to respond more efficiently to different types of information needs.
MOST Digital Library
The Digital Library hosts the Programme publications in a user-friendly environment. A multilingual search engine facilitates document search by keywords, subject categories, geographical locations and nature of the document. Abstracts of all the documents are available in English, French and Spanish.
International Social Science Journal
The ISSJ, founded by UNESCO in 1949, has been published as a quarterly review of international renown in English, French and Chinese ever since. It has been a bridge between diverse communities of social scientists, working in different disciplines around the world. It has provided a platform for debate on subjects of interest to an international readership, its articles being written by an equally international range of authors. The ISSJ has always had a particular interest in policy-relevant questions and interdisciplinary approaches. It has served as a forum for review, reflection and discussion, informed by the results of relevant research, rather than as an outlet of “first publication” for the results of individual research projects.
- International Social Science Journal (John Wiley and Sons website)
Books and documents
Migration as a development challenge - Analysis of root causes and policy implications [PDF, 459 KB]
World Social Science Report 2016. Challenging Inequalities: Pathways to a Just World
Social Science and Policy Challenges. Democracy, values and capacities
Freedom from poverty as a human right: law's duty to the poor (vol. 4)
Freedom from poverty as a human right: economic perspectives (vol. 3)
Freedom from poverty as a human right: theory and politics (vol. 2)
Freedom from poverty as a human right: who owes what to the very poor? (vol. 1)
Urban Gamble in Latin America: Living in City Centres (available only in French)
Femmes et politiques urbaines : ruses, luttes et stratégies (available only in French and Spanish)
Interviews published in SHSviews
Interview with Professor Lambert N’galadjo Bamba: ‘Development is a change in attitudes.’
Interview with Pier Ferdinando Casini: ‘No democracy without partnership between men and women.’
Interview with Koïchiro Matsuura: ‘Social and human sciences play an indispensable role.’
Interview with Alain Caillé: 'The world and the social sciences have become fragmented.'
Related Links
- Report on Reorienting the Social Sciences Programme on the Management of Social Transformations (MOST), Document 186 EX/10 [PDF, 753 KB]