The latest version of the World Heritage map, produced by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and National Geographic Maps, has now been published in Arabic thanks to support from the Qatar Museums Authority.

The map is an extremely valuable learning and awareness-raising tool that gives a rich and initial contact with the World Heritage concept, allowing UNESCO to communicate its work in this field on a large scale. The original versions of the map are English, French and Spanish, but through the partnership with National Geographic and its local magazines the map has been published in other languages such as Russian, Korean, Romanian, Serbian and the four Scandinavian languages (Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish).

This large format full-colour map features the 981 World Heritage sites and brief explanations of the World Heritage Convention and the World Heritage conservation programmes, as well as superb photos of World Heritage sites with explanatory captions. It is also available from the UNESCO World Heritage Centre in English, French and Spanish. The dimensions of the map are 78 cm by 50 cm (31 in. by 20 in.). It can also be downloaded free of charge from the website.

The map can be ordered for a modest fee from the World Heritage Centre website. All proceeds from sales of the maps will go toward the preservation and promotion of World Heritage sites.