More information - Panama

Joined Unesco Mardi, 10 Janvier 1950

Presidente de la República:
Excmo. Sr. Don Juan Carlos VARELA RODRIGUEZ

Permanent Delegation

S. Exc. Monsieur Flavio MENDEZ
Délégué permanent

Curriculum vitae

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• Born in Panama in 1959, Ambassador Flavio Méndez is a graduated in Business Administration of the Central American Institute of Business Administration of San José, Costa Rica. He also graduated at the Brazilian Diplomatic Academy.

• Ambassador Méndez started his diplomatic career in 1986 as Counselor for Economic Affairs at the Panamanian Embassy to the United States. He served as Ambassador to Russia opening the first Embassy of Panama in Moscow. At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs he has been Director-General of Bilateral Political Affairs; International Organizations; Foreign Service and Protocol. Since 2009 he has been consultant and part-time professor at the Catholic University of Santa María la Antigua of Panama City.

• Ambassador Méndez is member of numerous national associations of his country and has been decorated by the governments of Brazil, El Salvador and Spain.


Délégation permanente de la République du Panama auprès de l'UNESCO


National Commission

Excma. Sra. Da. Marcela Paredes de Vásquez
Excmo. sr. D. Flavio G. Méndez
Secretario general
Licenciada Juana B. Aparicio López

Commission panaméenne de coopération avec l'UNESCO
Ministerio de Educación
Apartado 0816-04049
Villa Cardena, Ancón
Edificio 6523
República de Panamá
Tél: (507) 517- 6007
Fax: (507) 517- 6007
Email: natcompanama1(a);juana.aparicio(a)
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