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Aiming to bring attention to the need for Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and to empower and encourage young leaders to influence their national policies, CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality and YouAct initiated the “Europe for CSE” project, with support from ShareNet. Youth advocates from Cyprus, Georgia, Poland, Romania and the Netherlands joined forces, worked online and met in Amsterdam to set-up concrete advocacy plans at national level, including meetings with volunteers, round tables, online campaigns and reaching out to policy makers and influencers.
Schools have been identified as one of the appropriate settings for addiction prevention since this is the place where pupils may come into contact with drugs for the first time and experiment with them, with the possibility of becoming addicted. To be effective, school-based drug education must be firmly based on knowledge of oneself and knowledge of the effects of various addictive substances. Biology education is then an essential part of schoolbased drug education. …
The development of health promotion is typically viewed as a reaction against both the excessive responsibility placed on individuals concerning their health-related choices and the absence of recognition of environmental factors associated with personal decision making. What though does sexuality education mean from the perspective of health promotion? According to one approach, it implies the existence of a curriculum that recognises the environmental factors affecting sexuality and sexual behaviour. …
The purpose of this document is to provide the most up to date scientific information on the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) of adolescents in Cyprus, in order to highlight the necessity for mandatory Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) at all levels of school education. SRHR is a general term, which we break down into specific areas so that the most recent data for each area can be given. This document is structured in a way that illuminates relationships between specific outcomes of SRHR and factors that affect those outcomes. …
In February 2004, representatives of European and central Asian countries met in Dublin and issued a declaration focused on accelerating the implementation of the Declaration of Commitment that countries made at the UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on HIV/AIDS in 2001. This report seeks to document achievements, using country-based reports, against a selected number of indicators of relevance to the countries of the region. …
In May 2006, ASTRA-Youth concluded a research done in 11 countries from Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans. In average, 50 young people (between 16 and 30 years old) were interviewed in each country. The research focussed on the knowledge and attitudes of Youth towards Sexual and Reproductive Health issues in their countries. In addition, a cross cultural analysis of the data provided a clear picture of the commonalities and differences in attitudes and needs, giving the opportunity to share best practices and materials amongst participating countries. …
This sexuality education reference guide aims to systematically and coherently bring together information on sexuality education policies and programmes across Europe. The guide is divided into three broad sections. The first section gives an overview of the situation in Europe, and analyses the similarities and differences that various countries have experienced in delivering sexuality education, the factors hindering and enhancing provision, and evidence for the effectiveness of comprehensive sexuality education. …
The National AIDS Programme (NAP) has been implemented since 1986 through a series of strategic plans that had been prepared by the Ministry of Health (MoH) with the assistance of the World Health Organization (WHO). The situation and response analysis for this strategic plan, which covers the period between 2004-2008, draws on an analysis of official reports and data on the HIV/AIDS situation and in Cyprus on related factors. …