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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Resultados da busca

  1. The Impact of the HIV/AIDS and Economic Crises on Orphans and Other Vulnerable children in Zimbabwe

    Zimbabwe, like most of Sub-Saharian Africa, has been hard-hit by HIV/AIDS. National estimates reported by the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare put the prevalence rates of HIV in the age group between 15 and 49 at 15.3% (WHO, UNICEF, & UNAIDS, 2008). This is one of the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in the world (UNAIDS, 2008). The impact of the pandemic has been so severe that current mitigation efforts fall short of alleviating the situation, especially as it pertains to the plight of children. …

  2. The hidden crisis: armed conflict and education; EFA global monitoring report, 2011

    Violent conflict is one of the greatest development challenges facing the international community. Beyond the immediate human suffering it causes, it is a source of poverty, inequality and economic stagnation. Children and education systems are often on the front line of violent conflict. The 2011 Global Monitoring Report examines the damaging consequences of conflict for the Education for All goals. …

  3. A Manual for Lower Secondary HFLE Teachers

    This manual is intended to assist upper primary and lower secondary school teachers in the delivery of the Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) curriculum particularly in the area of human sexuality. In an effort to make teachers more comfortable with material and so to improve their levels of competency in the area of the curriculum regarding Human Sexuality, the Ministry of Education has embarked on a number of initiatives. This manual on Human Sexuality is one such initiative. …

  4. Vivre ensemble: développer des compétences de vie familiale en matière de population de lutte contre le VIH et sida: livret de l'élève SIL et CP

    Ce document est un support pédagogique quei fait partie d'une collection de six ouvrages déstinés au aprenants du primaire et du secondaire. Il a été produit dan sle cadre du volet Information, Education et Communication pour le Changement de Comportement de Santé de la reproduction.

  5. Vivre ensemble: développer des compétences de vie familiale en matière de population de lutte contre le VIH et sida; livret de l'élève CM1 et CM2

    Ce livret de l'élève est un support pédagogique faisant partie d'une collection de six ouvrages déstinés aux apprenants du primaire et du secondaire. Le manuel a été produit dan sle cadre du volet Information, Education et Comunication pour Changement de Comportement en Santé de la reproduction des adolescents. Il traite des questions liées à l'Education à la Vie Familiale, en Matière de Population et VIH et SIDA.

  6. Influencing policy for children in Tanzania: lessons from education, legislation and social protection

    This paper analyses three recent policy/programme developments regarding child wellbeing in Tanzania and examines the political 'drivers of change' that influence policy and action on child well-being. Chapter One explores the politics of policymaking, and the respective roles of citizens, government and donors in influencing recent reforms in primary education. Chapter Two provides a historical analysis of key processes in the development of a children's statute in Tanzania, and explores the underlying reasons behind the lack of change despite concerted efforts. …

  7. Girls Speak: A New Voice in Global Development

    Girls Speak: A New Voice in Global Development is part of a series of reports on investing in adolescent girls in the developing world. This report examines qualitative data on what girls say about their aspirations across different settings and contexts. From a girl's perspective, policies and programs need to address the harmful social norms that constrain her role and opportunities in society, and provide a greater vision for her life. In their own words, girls are saying that the context and environment that shapes their lives - how they live and what they aspire to - must be addressed. …

  8. Direitos Humanos e HIV/AIDS: Avanços e perspectivas para o enfrentamento da epidemia no Brasil

    Não é possível dissociar direitos humanos do enfrentamento das DST/HIV/aids. O processo de reconhecimento do direito ao acesso universal a prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento constitui importante bandeira de direitos humanos desde o inicio da epidemia. Afirmar a dignidade do ser humano é o que traz sentido para, por exemplo, a discussão sobre a função social da propriedade intelectual frente o direito à saúde. Além da disponibilização de preservativos e medicamentos anti-retrovirais, trata-se de uma luta constante contra as desigualdades sociais. …

  9. Policy Analyses and Recommendations on Early Childhood Development and HIV/ AIDS in Mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar

    This review studies a total of 33 policies and policy-related plans, strategies, and guidelines were reviewed for the Mainland and 14 for Zanzibar. …

  10. Livelihoods and HIV risk for adolescent girls: design of a programming framework

    This document summarizes the process that resulted in the design and validation of two resources: Livelihood Options for Girls: A Guide for Program Managers and Identifying Appropriate Livelihood Options for Adolescent Girls: A Program Design Tool, developed by Health Policy Initiative, Task Order 1. Both resources are intended for use by program managers of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and are designed to address PEPFAR legislation that supports "Increasing women's access to income and productive resources". …

  11. Les bases pour comprendre le VIH/sida

    Les bases pour comprendre le VIH/sida est un petit guide édité par l'association de lutte contre le sida et les hépatites virales, AIDES, en 2009. Le document fournit les informations de bases essentielles en matière de VIH/sida. Il présente ainsi : 1) les risques de contamination ; 2) les moyens de protection ; 3) le traitement d'urgence ; 4) le dépistage ; 5) la prise en charge médicale ; etc.

  12. Love Bugs. Informations sur les maladies sexuellement transmissibles pour les hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec d'autres hommes

    Love Bugs est une brochure éditée par l'Aide Suisse contre le Sida à l'intention des hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec d'autres hommes. Elle a pour but de présenter quelques informations permettant au lecteur d'évaluer lui-même si elles s'appliquent à sa vie sexuelle ou à celle de ses partenaires. Elle encourage une attitude responsable face à la sexualité, ce qui implique aussi, entre autre, la connaissance de quelques maladies sexuellement transmissible. …

  13. Training of Trainers Manual

    The Training of Trainers Manual is a training curriculum developed under the Youth Peer initiative through a partnership with UNFPA and Family Health International (FHI)/Youth Net, in 2005. It provides a comprehensive training programme that can be used by "master" level peer educators and trainers. The manual uses participatory techniques based on a variety of theoretical frameworks to ensure that future trainers of peer educators are skilled and confident in their abilities to train peer educators and serve as informed resources for their peers. …

  14. HIV/AIDS: The Power of Education

    The document "HIV/AIDS: The Power of Education" transcribes the speeches pronounced by different specialists at the opening ceremony of the UNICA/UWI/UNESCO Conference on HIV/AIDS and Education, in October 29, 2003. It is a wake-up call for the education sector to rise to the fundamental challenge of tackling the disease head-on. It states that HIV/AIDS is an important public health issue which needs to be confronted with a strong education response. Indeed, in absence of an effective vaccine to definitely fight against AIDS; education is the best way to prevent new infections.

  15. Condoms - a user's guide

    Condoms - a users' guide, is a booklet written by H. Olsson for the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education (RFSU), in 2008. It is an easy to read pocket size document that gives ten penis facts with implications for condom use. The ten facts discussed are: 1) Length, 2) shape, 3) large glans, 4) girth, 5) erection - harness varies, 6) the foreskin, 7) sensitivity, 8) the balls, 9) sharp hairs, and 10) latex allergies. At the end, the question of lubrificant is also addressed. The ten facts presented apply regardless of whether the reader has a female or male partner. …


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