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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Universal acces and human rights (100 poems by Indonesian youth)

    Challenging stigma and providing hope, this poetry book includes 100 HIV-related poetries written by young people from both the formal and non-formal sectors.

  2. Ignorance Only - HIV/AIDS, Human rights and Federally funded Abstinence-only programs in the United States. Texas: A Case Study

    There is no vaccine to prevent HIV/AIDS, and the best treatment does not constitute a cure. U.S. government institutions responsible for setting public health standards have therefore repeatedly and strongly urged that providing complete and accurate information to adolescents about HIV/AIDS prevention, including the proper use of condoms as a means to reduce the risk of HIV transmission, be an important part of the government's prevention efforts. …

  3. Manual on Best Practices HIV/AIDS Programming with Children and Young People (version 8.4.2005)

    What are Best Practices? What criteria can be used to define a Best Practice and how can Best Practices be used? How can we promote the use of Best Practices by program staff in the field? These are some of the questions that this manual seeks to answer in relation to HIV/AIDS interventions and programs with children and youth. In order to strengthen the member organisations' use of the Best Practice approach both as a tool and as a process, the two networks entered into a joint venture in 2003. …

  4. Learning to live together: design, monitoring and evaluation of education for life skills, citizenship, peace and human rights

    In this Guide, we focus on strengthening the curriculum dimension known as education for learning to live together (LTLT), which incorporates areas of life skills, citizenship, peace and human rights. We first argue for a holistic view of this dimension and for appropriate teachinglearning processes. We then offer suggestions for monitoring and evaluation processes to answer one or more of the following questions - depending on circumstances. For a traditional system: does our traditional schooling meet our current goals in the LTLT/life skills dimension? …

  5. I Am One of 7 Million: YPLHIV Advocacy Messages

    This advocacy poster containing key messages and briefing paper were developed by GNP+ and the World AIDS Campaign by and for youth. They emerged from a literature review, key informant interviews and an online survey of 168 youth livign with HIV from 55 countries. The messages are also available in French, Spanish, and Russian.

  6. Práticas educativas e prevenção de HIV/Aids: lições aprendidas e desafios atuais

    A prevenção tem sido uma questão crucial para os programas de controle da Aids. Os enormes progressos doá conhecimento e da técnica nesse campo não chegaram a alterar substantivamente os determinantes fundamentais da infecção e adoecimento de significativos contingentes populacionais. Neste ensaio busca-se sistematizar as lições que aprendemos no campo da prevenção nessas duas décadas de epidemia, tomando como base, em especial, a experiência brasileira. …

  7. Direitos Humanos e HIV/AIDS: Avanços e perspectivas para o enfrentamento da epidemia no Brasil

    Não é possível dissociar direitos humanos do enfrentamento das DST/HIV/aids. O processo de reconhecimento do direito ao acesso universal a prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento constitui importante bandeira de direitos humanos desde o inicio da epidemia. Afirmar a dignidade do ser humano é o que traz sentido para, por exemplo, a discussão sobre a função social da propriedade intelectual frente o direito à saúde. Além da disponibilização de preservativos e medicamentos anti-retrovirais, trata-se de uma luta constante contra as desigualdades sociais. …

  8. Facts for life: Fourth edition

    Facts for Life is a joint publication of UNICEF, WHO, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNDP, WFP, UNAIDS and the World Bank. It aims to provide families and communities with the information they need to save and improve the lives of children. This is the fourth edition of Facts for Life. It is based on the latest scientific findings by medical and child development experts around the world, and presented in simple language that can be understood and acted upon easily by people without a scientific background. The Facts for Life messages are also based on human rights.

  9. Ley de Educación

    Ley No. 18.437 de Educación. Consagra el derecho a la educación y los Derechos Humanos como elemento esencial. Características de la Política Educativa Nacional, la orgánica del Sistema Nacional de Educación, misiones del Ministerio de Educación y Cultura y de la Administración Nacional de Educación Pública.

  10. Como Edificar a Resiliência das Crianças Afectadas por HIV e SIDA

    Como Edificar a Resiliência das Crianças Afectadas por HIV e SIDA esta um manual elaborado por Irmã Silke-Andrea Mallman com a colaboração da Ação Católica de Apoio ao AIDS, Maskew Miller Longman e UNESCO em 2004. Não é necessário que as crianças adoeçam ou que sejam infectadas pelo vírus de HIV para que também sejam afectadas pelas suas consequências. O documento é um guia prático destinado a ajudar a crianças afectadas pelos HIV e AIDS a edificar a sua própria resiliência e equipá-las para melhor controlarem o seu próprio destino. …

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