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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Por una sexualidad libre… : guía para la sensibilización y capacitación de promotoras y promotores juveniles en salud sexual

    La presente Guía Por una sexualidad libre… está organizada en cuatro temas, a saber: Sexualidad y género. Sexualidad y relaciones afectivo-eróticas. Salud sexual, VIH, sida e ITS. Estigma, discriminación y alternativas para el autocuidado. Tales rubros constituyen la base temática que se desarrolla en los talleres, cada sesión cuenta con objetivos específi cos por tema. …

  2. Educación sobre sexualidad y prevención del VIH: un diagnóstico para América Latina y el Caribe

    Objetivo. Mostrar, a través de un diagnóstico en América Latina y el Caribe, el panorama legislativo y curricular sobre sexualidad y prevención contra el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) en el ámbito escolar, contrastándolo con los comportamientos sexuales reportados en encuestas demográficas y de salud. Métodos. En mayo de 2008 se realizó, con el apoyo del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA), una encuesta a informantes clave en 34 países de la Región. …

  3. OET 302: HIV and sexuality education curriculum-based and comprehensive approach

    This module has six sections broken down into lectures. The lectures are further broken into different parts with activities to make the content of the lecture more clear and practical to educators. The Module sections start with the title, brief introduction, and general objectives and followed by different lectures which also have objectives, content summary; learning activities; lecture summary; reflection and assessment. The sections are presented as follows: Section One is about “Creating Enabling Environment”. …

  4. RESCATATE: rompé el silencio, hablemos de SIDA

    El trabajo presenta una experiencia de formación y sensibilización en VIH, sexualidad y género, dirigida a formadores de jóvenes y adolescentes, desarrollada en el marco de un acuerdo de trabajo entre UNESCO Sector Educación Oficina para el MERCOSUR, la Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, de la República Argentina y ejecutado por el Instituto de Formación Sexológica Integral SEXUR de Uruguay en la ciudad de Santa Fé los días 8-9, 15 -16 y 29-30 de junio de 2007. …

  5. Charting the course of education and HIV

    More than three decades after the identification of the virus, HIV continues to affect millions of people worldwide even though infection rates are down in a number of countries. From the beginning, the education sector has played a central role in responding to HIV. However, its role and the contribution of school-based HIV education has been the subject of much debate. This book provides an overview of how the role of the education sector and approaches to HIV education have evolved over time. …

  6. Health and Family Life Education. Teacher Training Manual

    This manual supports the implementation of the Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) curriculum to be implemented in schools across the island. In order to be able to teach a new curriculum using the non-traditional teaching methodology and strategies of the Life Skills approach, those involved in delivering this new curriculum need to participate in effective training and development activities that result in building their sensitivities, knowledge, skills and capabilities to create a learning environment that facilitates students' learning in an enjoyable manner. …

  7. Manual do Formador dos Institutos de Formacao de Professores - Conhecimentos, atitudes, e habilidades para a vida em SSRA, HIV e SIDA atraves de uma abordagem sociocultural

    "Um dos maiores desafios que Moçambique enfrenta neste momento, é de pandemia do HIV e SIDA. Ela não apenas causa dor e sofrimento individual, nas famílias e comunidades, mas causa perda de bem materiais, recursos humanos, pondo assim em perigo todo o progresso adquirido pelo pais desde a sua independência. Infelizmente não existe ainda uma vacina para a prevenção do HIV, assim como também não existe uma cura quando infectado pelo vírus. …

  8. Sexual and Reproductive Health of Young People: Expanding the Research and Program Agenda

    This paper's focuses on areas of relatively poorly addressed or understood aspects of young people's sexual and reproductive health. The authors propose to argue for the need to supplement our knowledge and programmatic interventions with regard to three specific issues related to young people's lives that need attention: (a) an overlooked sub-population of married adolescent girls; (b) an overlooked behavior of sex without consent; (c) programmatic interventions that work (or do not) in enhancing young people's health and development.

  9. Poleznaja Privivka - uchebnoe posobie po profilaktike VICH/SPIDa dlja 10-11 klassov obscheobrazovatel'noj shkoly. Materjal dlja uchitelja.

    This manual, intended for teachers of secondary schools (grades 10-11) is part of an HIV and AIDS education programme called "useful inoculation", which was developed within the project "Healthy Russia 2020" by the authors of the "Project Hope Russia", and implemented in several schools of five Russian regions. The main aim of this programme is to develop the life skills that will allow learners to prevent from HIV and avoid drug use, and also to show empathy and support towards people living with HIV and AIDS. The present manual is divided into two main parts. …

  10. Gerindo a escola num contexto de HIV/SIDA. Dossier do Director da Escola. Uma escola livre de HIV/SIDA e sem qualquer forma de abuso

    Este documento foi redigido por um consultor da INDE (Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educaçao) do Ministério da Educação de Moçambique. Nesse manual, o director de escola poderá encontrar informações e metodologias para introduzir na escola um ensino sobre o comportamento sexual responsável e os problemas relacionados com o HIV/SIDA. A primeira parte deste documento é constituída por uma série de perguntas com destino a ajudar o director a fazer um ponto de situação da escola sobre esses temas. …

  11. Our future: sexuality and life skills education for young people. Grades 8-9

    This toolkit shares the experiences of a project on sexuality and life skills led by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance started in 2003. The toolkit is based on a number of workshops and discussions with teachers and students. Throughout the development of the toolkit, students contributed questions, stories, problem letters and pictures. The result is a series of three books developed with teachers and learners in Grades 4 to 9 from 14 schools in the Chipata District of Zambia. …

  12. Our future. Teaching sexuality and life-skills. A guide for teachers using Our future pupils' books.

    "Teaching sexuality and life-skills" is part of the Our future series of pupils' and teachers' books published by International HIV/AIDS Alliance in 2008 . These resources are aimed at teachers and anyone else interested in teaching sexuality and life skills in the community; for example, peer educators, health practitioners, traditional and religious leaders and parents. The series is a result of collaborative work with trainers, teachers and sexual and reproductive health experts in Zambia. …

  13. Activity book: beacon schools

    This activity book contains a series of 10 activities for primary school students aged 10 to 12. Designed primarily as an HIV and AIDS curriculum, the Beacon School activity book use activities, exercises, and stories to deliver behaviour change message related to HIV and AIDS. Participating students learn basic life skills and personal and environmental hygiene. They also gain knowledge about, and develop, healthy attitudes towards HIV and AIDS. Goals, key messages, overview, time allocated, necessary materials and preparation are specified for each activity. …

  14. The concept of HIV and AIDS Preventive Education in School Environment

    This document has been developed in order to coordinate, at the Federal level, the different activities carried out in the field of HIV & AIDS education in Russian schools. It presents the common position of the different Russian Ministries (mainly Education and Sciences, Public Health and Social Development) concerned with this issue. This position defines a specific "state standard" determining the key elements and principles of HIV and AIDS education. …

  15. Sex, Techs and HIV: A report of the HIV response in a national sample of trade apprentices

    The original project was designed to examine the resonances between gender as it constructed in the occupational setting and the HIV response of young people. Data were generated through a large scale national survey of Technical and Further Education (TAFE) apprentices in the occupational streams of hairdressing, automotive, and commercial cookery. A total of 4283 apprentices from 52 colleges across all states and territories of Australia completed the survey. This report presents some main indices on HIV-related issues drawn from this database.


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