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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. The efficacy of HIV and sex education interventions among youths in developing countries: a review

    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) among youths represent an important public health challenge in developing countries. The incidence of HIV peaked in the 1990’s and saw a decline from 2005. What was done to prompt the decline? To answer this question selecting studies between 1990 and 2005 was appropriate to assess whether the drop in HIV incidence in developing countries was as a result of education interventions. …

  2. Le VIH/SIDA et les organismes scolaires. Recueil d'informations en vue de soutenir les organismes scolaires désireux d'établir des lignes de conduite relatives au VIH/sida

    Le présent document est un outil de travail destiné aux responsables régionaux des services complémentaires du Ministère pour le soutien à apporter aux organismes scolaires au cours de l'établissement de lignes de conduite concernant le VIH/sida pouvant être ou non présentées sous la forme particulière d'une politique locale. Le plan de ce document s'inspire fortement du travail effectué par certains organismes scolaires qui ont déjà établi des directives à cet égard dans une politique. …

  3. Summary of methodologies to measure prevention of HIV/AIDS among young people

    This document is a summary of the major tools that have been commonly used to measure prevention of HIV/AIDS among youth. This table has been designed to help program planners, policy makers, and others interested in understanding the status of youth HIV risk and youth HIV prevention programs at the national, regional, or local level identify sources of relevant information.

  4. Do peer educators make a difference? An evaluation of a youth-led HIV prevention model in Zambian schools

    Restless Development's youth-led model places trained Volunteer Peer Educators (VPEs), aged 18-25 years, in schools to teach HIV prevention and reproductive health (RH). VPEs also run youth centers, extracurricular and community-based activities. This evaluation assesses program effects on students' HIV/RH knowledge, attitudes and behaviors using a non-randomized quasi-experimental design among 2133 eighth and ninth grade students in 13 intervention versus 13 matched comparison schools and program costs. …

  5. Effects and effectiveness of life skills education for HIV prevention in young people

    For 20 years, “life skills” education has been advocated as a key component of HIV and AIDS education for young people. But what do terms such as life skills imply, and what evidence is there that a life skills-based approach really works? This article reviews the literature on the effects and effectiveness of life skills-based education for HIV prevention. Evaluated interventions were identified by using three search strategies. The review identified a surprising number of rigorously designed and evaluated interventions from Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the Pacific. …

  6. Inquérito sobre conhecimentos, attitudes e práticas relativas ao VIH/SIDA

    No inquérito sobre conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas em relação ao VIH/SIDA realizado em 2008 na Guiné-Bissau, apesar do nível de percepção sobre o SIDA situar-se acima de 90%, foram encontrados 12% de homens e 33% de mulheres que disseram ter já ouvido falar do SIDA, mas que desconhecem as formas de transmissão do VIH [Estudo CAP 2008]. …

  7. Nonconsensual sex among youth: youth programs need to consider patterns of coerced sex when addressing reproductive health, HIV prevention, and other needs

    The fact sheet suggests that programmes need to consider patterns and consequences of coerced sex when addressing reproductive health, HIV prevention, and other needs of young people.

  8. UNFPA Intercountry Workshop on Networking and Partnership between Young People and Governments on HIV/AIDS Prevention for East and South-East Asian Countries, Bangkok, 1-22 March 2002

    The Intercountry Workshop on Networking and Partnership between Young People and Governments on HIV/AIDS Prevention for East and South-East Asian Countries was held in Bangkok from 18 to 22 March 2002. The Workshop was organized by the UNFPA Country Technical Services Team (CST) for East and South-East Asia in collaboration with the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD) and the UNAIDS/SEAPICT. The theme of the Workshop was "Adolescent Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention". …

  9. Youth and HIV/AIDS: can we avoid catastrophe?

    Over 60 million people who have been infected with HIV in the past 20 years, about half became infected between the ages of 15 and 24. Today, nearly 12 million young people are living with HIV/AIDS. Young women are several times more likely than young men to be infected with HIV. In nearly 20 African countries 5 percent or more of women ages 15 to 24 are infected. Such statistics underscore the urgent need to address HIV/AIDS among youth.

  10. PSI/Laos research reports: selected summary reports of behavioural and market research studies

    The report contains summaries of behavioural and market research studies conducted in Laos by Population Services International during 1999 to 2000 to determine whether the project has been successful in changing people's behaviour and preventing spread of HIV/AIDS in Laos. …

  11. Connaisances, attitudes et pratiques dans les domaines des IST et du VIH/SIDA dans la Region de Mopti : rapport d'enquête

    La presente étude, consacrée à la région de Mopti, a été suscitée par la nécessité de parvenir à programmer des activités pertinentes favorisant des changements positifs de bénéficiares du projet relativement à leurs comportements, attitudes et pratiques vis-à-vis du VIH/SIDA. Et ce, d'autant plus que dans ce domaine particulièrement sensible, il faut se convaincre que toute approche , pour être porteuse, devra nécessairement prendre en compte les construits sociaux, les réalités de différents ordres.

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