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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Por una sexualidad libre… : guía para la sensibilización y capacitación de promotoras y promotores juveniles en salud sexual

    La presente Guía Por una sexualidad libre… está organizada en cuatro temas, a saber: Sexualidad y género. Sexualidad y relaciones afectivo-eróticas. Salud sexual, VIH, sida e ITS. Estigma, discriminación y alternativas para el autocuidado. Tales rubros constituyen la base temática que se desarrolla en los talleres, cada sesión cuenta con objetivos específi cos por tema. …

  2. Kenya: Healthy Outcomes through Prevention Education (HOPE). Final evaluation

    In Kenya, high poverty, insecurity, poor health outcomes, substance abuse and low levels of education make young people, especially girls, vulnerable to a variety of risks such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Diseases (STDs), and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV). …

  3. Population Brief

    Articles from this issue : Making sexuality and HIV education programs more effective | Reducing adolescent girls’ vulnerability to sexual violence in sub-Saharan Africa | Developing a highly acceptable contraceptive vaginal ring | Creating a database of HIV prevention clinical trial terminology and translations.

  4. Rising school enrollment and declining HIV and pregnancy risk among adolescents in Rakai district, Uganda, 1994–2013

    Background: Poverty, family stability, and social policies influence the ability of adolescents to attend school. Likewise, being enrolled in school may shape an adolescent’s risk for HIV and pregnancy. We identified trends in school enrollment, factors predicting school enrollment (antecedents), and health risks associated with staying in or leaving school (consequences). Methods: Data from the Rakai Community Cohort Study (RCCS) were examined for adolescents 15–19 years (n = 21,735 person-rounds) from 1994 to 2013. …

  5. RESCATATE: rompé el silencio, hablemos de SIDA

    El trabajo presenta una experiencia de formación y sensibilización en VIH, sexualidad y género, dirigida a formadores de jóvenes y adolescentes, desarrollada en el marco de un acuerdo de trabajo entre UNESCO Sector Educación Oficina para el MERCOSUR, la Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, de la República Argentina y ejecutado por el Instituto de Formación Sexológica Integral SEXUR de Uruguay en la ciudad de Santa Fé los días 8-9, 15 -16 y 29-30 de junio de 2007. …

  6. Youth in a void: sexuality, HIV/AIDS and communication in Kenyan public schools

    The disappearance of traditional sex education during rites of passage in African societies has left many youth uncertain of where to look for information. Against this backcloth, the objectives of this study were to identify knowledge gaps amongst adolescents in Kenya regarding sexuality, HIV/AIDS and reproductive health. A thematic analysis was conducted of questions posed by 735 school youth aged 12–18 years from Meru and Kajiado Districts. Results show that many questions showed curiosity and anxiousness. …

  7. Imagined futures VI: checks and balances. Conference report

    This document is a report of a two days conference, "Checks and balances", aimed to explore mechanisms ensuring the balancing of power and the accountability by the stakeholders – the institutions and students. The sessions included: changing dynamics of HIV/AIDS in a university setting, teenage pregnancy at institutions of higher learning, and service provider accountability. The conference closed with a partnership statement on sexual and reproductive rights and health.

  8. Applying the Research / Researching the Applied

    The conference programme was driven by the presentation of applied case experiences on the following topics: 1. Evaluating HIV/TB/STI prevention projects (e.g. Peer Education, HIV and TB testing, treatment), 2. Approaching HIV as an issue of transformation, diversity and inclusivity (including stigma, sexual orientation and gender), 3. Integrating HIV and AIDS into socially responsive core curricula: Lessons from innovative collaborations in Higher Education, 4. …

  9. Rights and desire. A facilitator's manual to healthy sexuality

    This curriculum seeks to promote access to rights by empowering individuals who are vulnerable to contracting HIV/AIDS. Created for facilitators who work with young people, it aims to sensitize young men and women to the human rights aspects of sexuality, sexual rights, and HIV/AIDS. Except in titillating ways, the broad area of sexuality remains shrouded in secrecy in the public sphere. Breakthrough seeks to demystify this complex issue to help young people respect rights and to realize their own agency as sexual beings.

  10. Stay healthy: a gender-transformative HIV prevention curriculum for youth in Namibia

    The overall goal of Stay Healthy: A Gender-Transformative HIV Prevention Curriculum for Youth in Namibia is to prevent HIV infection among Namibian youth aged 13-18. Stay Healthy focuses on changing three key behaviors directly related to HIV infection by accomplishing the following: (1) delaying the onset of sexual intercourse, (2) increasing the correct and consistent use of the male condom among sexually active youth, and (3) decreasing multiple concurrent partners among sexually active youth. …

  11. Globalization, public policy, and 'knowledge gap': Ethiopian youth and the HIV/AIDS pandemic

    Set against trans- or supra-national policy initiatives which have framed the HIV/ AIDS pandemic as in part a pedagogical issue, this paper critically explores local understandings of sexual practices (generally) as well as of HIV/AIDS (more specifically) among young people in the sub-Saharan African country of Ethiopia. Ethiopia has the third largest number of HIV/AIDS infections in the world, behind only South Africa and India. …

  12. Policy and institutional frameworks: mainstreaming adolescent reproductive health (ARH) and gender in HIV/AIDS programs: examples from Ethiopia and Uganda

    This document is divided into six parts (Part I-VI). Part I covers (a) the study background including objectives, methodologies and activities; and (b) an overview of the HIV situation among young people and adolescents in the Africa region. Part II and III present key findings from Ethiopia and Uganda, including a review of policies and the institutional environment in both countries in regards to gender, youth, ARH and HIV/AIDS. Part IV includes key findings of six country assessments of youth issues in the Multi-Sector Programs on HIV/AIDS of the World Bank. …

  13. UNESCO's short guide to the essential characteristics of effective HIV prevention

    This booklet aims to increase understanding of the characteristics of efficient and effective HIV and AIDS responses. It is designed to explain in a user-friendly and accessible format what these characteristics mean in practice, and how they can be applied, integrated and institutionalised into HIV and AIDS planning and programme processes. It targets programme implementers and project managers developing and implementing activities (largely in the area of HIV prevention) within UNESCO. …

  14. Previniendo y viviendo con VIH/sida

    Este manual sobre VIH y SIDA es parte de una serie de cinco manuales llamados Proyecto H: "Trabajando con Hombres Jóvenes". Este material fue elaborado para educadores de salud, profesores y/u otros profesionales o voluntarios que deseen o que ya estén trabajando con hombres jóvenes. El punto central de estos manuales está constituido por una serie de dinámicas para trabajar con hombres jóvenes en grupos. Estas actividades fueron desarrolladas y evaluadas con grupos de 15 a 30 participantes. …

  15. Prevenindo e vivendo com HIV/AIDS

    O ponto central destes cadernos é constituído por uma série de técnicas para trabalhar com homens jovens em grupos. Estas atividades foram desenvolvidas e testadas com grupos de 15 a 30 participantes. Nossa experiência demonstra que o uso deste material para grupos menores (15 a 20 participantes) é mais produtivo, mas o facilitador também pode usar as técnicas descritas para grupos maiores. Muitas das atividades incluídas aqui tratam de temas pessoais profundos e complexos como a promoção da convivência, a sexualidade e a saúde mental. …


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