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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Brochure "Vivre avec"

    La brochure « VIVRE AVEC » a été réalisée par la Plate-Forme Prévention Sida et ses partenaires à l'attention des adolescents. Son but est de les sensibiliser aux attitudes de rejet qui peuvent toucher les personnes séropositives et de les mener à développer un comportement solidaire envers celles-ci. La brochure rappelle également les informations de base, à propos du VIH et du sida.

  2. Young people living with HIV: a collection and review of the resources, tools, and guidelines for health providers around the world

    Pathfinder International developed this compendium to identify and facilitate access to useful resources that will help field teams around the world improve service provision for YPLHIV. Each resource is accompanied by a brief synopsis and recommendations for utilization, so that field teams can assess quickly and easily whether the resource is valuable or relevant to their programs.


    Цели и необходимость информационного сборника для молодежных и студенческих организаций по предотвращению ВИЧ-инфекции, дискриминации и стигматизации людей, живущих с ВИЧ (ЛЖВ) Данный информационный сборник издан в рамках проекта «Укрепление потенциала молодежных и студенческих организаций для профилактики ВИЧ-инфекции среди ключевых групп населения, уязвимых к ВИЧ, и предотвращения стигматизации и дискриминации людей, затронутых эпидемией». Финансирование проекта осуществлено Бюро ЮНЕСКО в г. Москва и Министерством молодежи и спорта Республики Молдова. …

  4. HIV prevention interventions with young people in schools through Positive Speaking Methodology

    Drawing on the unique experience of young adults who are living with HIV and AIDS, Positive Speaking aims to contribute to the HIV prevention revolution in Namibia, and more specifically: To empower young people and learners with appropriate knowledge and skills about HIV prevention, gender and sexual reproductive health, based on the drivers of the current HIV epidemic, so that they can make the right decisions in future about their relationships and enjoy healthy lives; To change learners’ risk perceptions towards HIV infection, and their attitudes towards people living with HIV; To provide  …

  5. Talk about AIDS

    This booklet provides statements on specific topics to facilitate discussion among stakeholders in Asia and the Pacific on issues affecting key populations vulnerable to HIV infection. These are: 1. Injecting drug users; 2. Sex workers and their clients; 3. Men who have sex with men; 4. Young people and children; 5. Mobile populations; 6. People living with HIV; 7. Children orphaned and affected by AIDS; 8. Women.

  6. PEPFARS's Second Phase: Progress Stunted for Youth-Specific Prevention and Treatment

    In a newly-released report, Advocates for Youth examines the youth HIV prevention policies being implemented by the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator (OGAC) and outlines a series of policy recommendations to help the agency and other policymakers make improvements. This first-of-its-kind, in-depth analysis assesses youth policies within the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), including its legislative authority, its most recent five-year strategy, relevant guidance documents and all twenty-one PEPFAR country Partnership Frameworks currently available.

  7. Positive learning: meeting the needs of young people living with HIV (YPLHIV) in the education sector

    This publication is the result of a partnership between UNESCO and the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+). It builds upon the respective work of these organisations in relation to supporting the ideals of Education for All and the role of the education sector in the global response to HIV (UNESCO) and the Positive Health, Dignity and Prevention framework (GNP+). The overall purpose is to better define the role and responsibilities of the education sector in supporting young people who are living with HIV (YPLHIV) to realise their personal, social and educational potential. …

  8. I Am One of 7 Million: YPLHIV Advocacy Messages

    This advocacy poster containing key messages and briefing paper were developed by GNP+ and the World AIDS Campaign by and for youth. They emerged from a literature review, key informant interviews and an online survey of 168 youth livign with HIV from 55 countries. The messages are also available in French, Spanish, and Russian.

  9. Previniendo y viviendo con VIH/sida

    Este manual sobre VIH y SIDA es parte de una serie de cinco manuales llamados Proyecto H: "Trabajando con Hombres Jóvenes". Este material fue elaborado para educadores de salud, profesores y/u otros profesionales o voluntarios que deseen o que ya estén trabajando con hombres jóvenes. El punto central de estos manuales está constituido por una serie de dinámicas para trabajar con hombres jóvenes en grupos. Estas actividades fueron desarrolladas y evaluadas con grupos de 15 a 30 participantes. …

  10. Healthy, happy and hot: a young person's guide to their rights, sexuality and living with HIV

    This guide aims to support young people's sexual pleasure and health, and to help them develop strong intimate relationships. It explores how human rights and sexual well-being are related and suggests strategies to help make decisions about dating, relationships, sex and parenthood. …

  11. Adolescentes, AIDS e Sexualidade. Um Bicho de 7 Cabeças?

    Folleto didáctico dirigido a jóvenes y adolescentes que viven con VIH que responde a preguntas frecuentes respecto a sexualidad y afectividad, con la intención de derribar mitos relativos al VIH.

  12. HIV in schools: Good practice guide to supporting children infected or affected by HIV

    This guide provides schools and local education authorities (LEAs) with practical information and suggestions on ways of supporting children and young people living with HIV. It addresses schools' concerns about HIV and sets out some simple ways in which a school can provide a supportive environment for infected and affected children. …

  13. Choose Life

    This paper presents the work of Choose Life, a Zimbabwean NGO that works with young people in schools. Choose Life utilizes the power that HIV positive youth have in preventing further infections in their peers.

  14. HIV/AIDS and Trauma among learners: Sexual Violence and Deprivation in South Africa

    This article discusses the impact of HIV/AIDS on education in South Africa. South Africa has the fastest growing HIV/AIDS epidemic in the world. In 2001 over 4 million people were already HIV positive, 56% of them women. It is not yet possible to determine rates of HIV infection in schools and other learning institutions - among educators and among learners. The HIV/AIDS projection model commonly used in South Africa suggests that among 15-19 year olds almost 16% of African females are likely to be HIV positive, compared with about 3% of African males. …

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