Fortenberry, J. Dennis
Martinez, Jaime
Rudy, Bret J.
Monte, Dina
Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
Periodical title: 
Journal of Adolscent Health
This journal article is a study of adolescent linkage to HIV care in the United States. The study seeks to understand the issues with linkage to care among adolescents. The study shows that multiple models exist for linkage to care and that it is important to have formal and informal community relationships for linkage to care to work among adolescents. The barriers that linkage to care for adolescents face is structural rather than due to adolescent characteristics. For instance, stigmatisation is a big issue which can be addressed through community and education. In addition, lack of transportation to clinics is a structural issue that can also easily be addressed. In summary improving linkage to care for adolescents requires the same efforts as improving it for adults. It requires structural, process, and content changes.
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