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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. A situation-response analysis of the education sector response to HIV, drugs and sexual health in Brunei Darussalam

    The main purpose of this study is to conduct a situation-response analysis of the education sector’s response to HIV, drugs and sexual health. The objectives of this review are to: - describe and analyse the situation of HIV and AIDS, drugs and sexual health in Brunei Darussalam; - evaluate the status and scope of the education sector’s response to HIV and AIDS, drugs and sexual health; - identify the scope for improvement and prepare a set of recommendations to strengthen the existing response. In Brunei Darussalam statistical data revealed low number of HIV cases over the past 26 years. …

  2. Educational attainment and HIV/AIDS prevalence: A cross-country study

    Using data for a large cross-country sample, a reasonable model is estimated to judge the effect of adult educational attainment on prevalence of HIV. Three main points are noted. First, there is an indication of a significantly negative effect of educational attainment on HIV prevalence. Second, magnitude of the impact appears sizable. Third, a simple test suggests that the model does not have any major specification problem. Three additional aspects may also be interesting. First, the impact of per capita income is negative but statistically weak. …

  3. Culturally-adapted and audio-technology assisted HIV/AIDS awareness and education program in rural Nigeria: a cohort study

    This prospective, 14-week cohort study sought to identify changes in HIV knowledge using a culturally-adapted, technology assisted educational approach in three rural Nigerian villages. One group of people were given seminar-based education, while another were given a portable, digial audio technology-based educational program, which drew on the rural culture of oral learning. The majority of the participants were Muslim (99%), male (53.3%) and lacked formal education (55%). HIV knowledge was improved by a larger degree in the technology facilitated group than the seminar-based group. …

  4. Community Advocates Training Manual. The HIV/AIDS Prevention Project for Vulnerable Youth in Northern Nigeria

    Community Advocates Training Manual. The HIV/AIDS Prevention Project for Vulnerable Youth in Northern Nigeria is a curriculum developed by Population Council, Nigeria, under the HIV Prevention Project for Vulnerable Youth in Northern Nigeria funded by USAID/Nigeria. The document was developed as a tool for training community advocates to conduct advocacy activities on the issues of early marriage, HIV/AIDS and reproductive health. The curriculum is developed on the premise that community representatives can speak out on issues concerning their lives and community, if given necessary skills. …

  5. Engaging Faith-Based Organizations in HIV Prevention: A Training Manual for Programme Managers

    This manual is a capacity-building tool to help policy makers and programmers identify, design and follow up on HIV prevention programmes undertaken by FBOs. The manual explores how religious values and the power of religious leaders to mobilize communities can be used to design effective and sustainable community programmes to address HIV. It explains how to involve religious leaders in programmes to eliminate the stigma and discrimination often directed to people living with HIV and how to encourage community support and solidarity using the compassionate spirit of religion. …

  6. La protection contre le sida

    Ce manuel représente un guide pratique contenant des informations utiles destinées essentiellement aux élèves de l'école primaire et secondaire dans les pays arabes et musulmans, ainsi que pour le lecteur non spécialisé. Il est élaboré conjointement par l'Organisation islamique pour l'éducation, la science et la culture (ISESCO), en collaboration avec le bureau régional de la Méditerranée orientale de l'OMS et l'Organisation islamique des sciences médicales. …

  7. UNESCO Beyrouth commence à combattre le VIH et sida

    Cet article est publié par le bureau régional de l'UNESCO à Beyrouth afin de sensibiliser et de mobiliser les politiques, les journalistes, les leaders religieux, les intellectuels et le grand public à la gravité du VIH et sida et la nécessité de combattre fermement cette épidémie ravageuse. Il vise essentiellement à "briser le mur du silence" entourant le VIH et sida dans le monde arabe et à lutter contre la stigmatisation et la discrimination associées à cette maladie. …

  8. Building Consensus For Family and HIV/AIDS Education in Schools

    This is the report of a National Consultative Forum with Religious Leaders on the Education Sector Response to Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Kaduna, Nigeria. The need for a National Consultative Forum arose since there was continuous resistance to the content of the Family Life HIV/AIDS Education curricula in Nigeria. The core of the resistance was from organisations who subscribe to both the Islamic and Christian faith. It was hence expedient to get the leadership of both the Islamic and Christian faith to share insights on what they were comfortable with. …

  9. AIDS Education through Imams: a spiritually motivated community effort in Uganda

    Focused on the country's Muslim community, IMAU has integrated Islamic religious values with medical information on HIV/AIDS by mobilizing Muslim leaders such as Imams. These community members make home visits to families across Uganda, offering accurate information on HIV/AIDS. This case study was produced for those interested in learning more about IMAU's community-based health efforts. It originated out of the need to increase the awareness of HIV/AIDS prevention, offer accurate information on HIV/AIDS and motivate behavioural change. …

  10. Combating HIV/AIDS in Eastern Sudan: the case for preventative action

    This paper is a contribution to the debate on preventative education concerning HIV/AIDS. It relates to a programme in eastern Sudan, an area with a largely Muslim population and a wide variety of ethnicities and cultural practices.Ockenden and its local partners began a large multi-sectoral project to fight HIV/AIDS in the eastern part of Sudan in early 2004. Focused on preventing the further increase of the disease in both Red Sea and Kassala States it has four main purposes:1. To increase awareness and knowledge of HIV/AIDS, 2. …

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