Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS, 2017. 48 p.
Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS
The objectives laid down in the Strategies are in line with the 90-90- 90 treatment targets together with the 90% coverage of HIV combination prevention services set by the UNAIDS. ACA recommends nine targets to be achieved by 2020, in the areas of HIV prevention, testing, diagnosis, and treatment. Two primary target populations are specified: MSM and people living with HIV; and four other key populations are identified: people who inject drugs, ethnic minorities, male-to-female transgender and female sex workers and their male clients. The Strategies set out the priority areas for action, further delineating them as areas to be strengthened, areas for further examination, and current response that should be maintained. Specific measures are proposed and discussed in the light of the current situation, observed developments, and desired outcomes. Hong Kong is now at a critical point in battling the HIV epidemic. These Strategies provide a framework for various key players to act in tandem for the prevention, care and control of HIV/AIDS.
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