Ministry of Health, 2017. 130 p.
Myanmar. Ministry of Health and Sports
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar’s National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2016– 2020 is the strategic guide for the country’s response to HIV at national, state/regional and local levels. The framework describes the current dynamics of the HIV epidemic and articulates a strategy to optimize investments through a fast track approach with the vision of ending HIV as a public health threat by 2030. Myanmar’s third National Strategic Plan (HIV NSP III) issues a call to all partners to front-load investments to close the testing gap and reach the 90–90–90 prevention and treatment targets to protect health for all. This strategy builds upon Myanmar’s political commitment and the achievements of the previous HIV NSP II, and is aligned with the Three Ones principles and guides the country to focus on geographical, population and intervention priorities to ensure the greatest impact. The strategy aims to promote and protect human rights and gender equity particularly for those key populations most affected by the epidemic including people living with HIV, people who inject drugs, men who have sex with men, sex workers, and their intimate partners. The strategy aims to eliminate stigma and discrimination and ensure maximum access to essential HIV services and social protection. Despite significant progress, challenges remain: a large proportion of people living with HIV in Myanmar do not know their HIV status, while stigma and discrimination and late diagnosis present substantial barriers to improving health outcomes. Approximately half of the people living with HIV are still not receiving life-sustaining antiretroviral therapy (ART). NSP III describes an operational model that prioritizes townships based upon a thorough analysis of the geographical distribution of epidemic burden and those at risk of HIV infection. Three township categories are described with tailored service delivery packages based upon epidemic burden and the opportunity to reduce risk of new infections. NSP III is a highly focused, cost efficient strategy to ensure that the right interventions are implemented in the right places for the right people. NSP III will support resource development and its allocation to ensure the greatest impact. This strategy will build sustainable partnerships through the public, community and private sectors to ensure maximum involvement of priority populations and to optimize access to HIV prevention, care and treatment. A significant transition is planned to bolster the Government’s leadership role in collaboration with affected communities and in partnership with the NGO, community and private sectors. Innovation will be supported to ensure cost efficiency and effectiveness in the context of available resources. NSP III will support Myanmar in reaching its sustainable development goals and will support universal access to health through an evidence informed and results oriented approach based upon local epidemic dynamics. It is driven by the vision to end HIV as a public health threat by 2030 and is in line with Myanmar’s economic and development goals to ensure prosperity and a greater quality of life for all.
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