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The ultimate aim of this report is to research the situation in the partner countries in the frame of “Youth e-collaboration in HIV/AIDS prevention”, namely Bulgaria, Latvia, Sierra Leone, Slovenia and Uganda, as regards the topic of HIV/AIDS prevention. The report’s main focus is the existing strategies for HIV/AIDS prevention in the above mentioned countries. The report combines: 1. Findings from implemented survey within youth workers, youth leaders and young trainers working in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention among young people. 2. …
Background: The authors conducted a case study of the Zimbabwe National AIDS Trust Fund (‘AIDS Levy’) as an approach to domestic government financing of the response to HIV and AIDS. Methods: Data came from three sources: a literature review, including a search for grey literature, review of government documents from the Zimbabwe National AIDS Council (NAC), and key informant interviews with representatives of the Zimbabwean government, civil society and international organizations. Findings: The literature search yielded 139 sources, and 20 key informants were interviewed. …
To end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 will require countries to take a Fast- Track approach over the next five years. To ensure that global efforts are accelerated in this short window, the President of the United Nations General Assembly is convening a High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS from 8 to 10 June 2016 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. At this meeting United Nations Member States will come together to draft a new Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS. …
This is the first update of the Strategy, which is designed to look ahead to 2020. The Update includes the following changes: The Steps and Recommended Actions under each of the goals have been revised to reflect past progress and activities to meet the Strategy goals; The Update has 10 quantitative indicators—some of which are new additions, and some of which are revised—to better monitor progress and ensure that the Nation is constantly moving in the right direction to achieve its goals. …
Le résumé de l’analyse de la réponse effectuée par cette revue est organisé selon 4 objectifs du plan : 1) Réduire la transmission des IST/VIH, 2) Améliorer la prise en charge, 3) Réduire les déterminants de la vulnérabilité et la précarité des PVVIH et leur famille, 4) Renforcer le suivi et évaluation de la réponse nationale, de la coordination, la gestion et le suivi.
Key populations, specifically people who sell sex (PWSS), people who inject drugs (PWID) and lesbian, and gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people experience significant human rights violations which underpin the continued high HIV incidence in these populations. This rapid assessment of human rights violations in Eastern and southern Africa focuses on three priority key populations – PWSS, LGBTI (including MSM), and PWID. The report outlines the normative international treaties that establish a basis for a human rights framework for the HIV response.
In preparation for the implementation of the Kenya AIDS Strategic Framework 2014/15- 2018/19, the Kenya National AIDS and STI Control Programme facilitated a national polling booth survey as part of a baseline assessment of HIV-related risk behaviours among female sex workers, men who have sex with men, and people who inject drugs, and their utilization of existing preventive interventions, as well as structural factors that may influence KPs’ vulnerability to HIV. …
This document reports on the findings of the 2014 national household survey of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice (KAP) in Sexual Behaviour and HIV/AIDS in Belize, among persons 15 to 49 years of age.
Objective: To compare national human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) policies influencing access to HIV testing and treatment services in six sub-Saharan African countries. Methods: We reviewed HIV policies as part of a multi-country study on adult mortality in sub-Saharan Africa. A policy extraction tool was developed and used to review national HIV policy documents and guidelines published in Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania and Zimbabwe between 2003 and 2013. Key informant interviews helped to fill gaps in findings. …
The general objective of this study was to assess accessibility and availability of education and health care services to Women and Children infected and affected with HIV/AIDS in Sri Lanka. The specific objectives were: 1. To describe the socio-demographic and socio-economic information of women and children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. 2. To assess the accessibility to education and to health care services including reproductive health and HIV care services among HIV infected and affected women. 3. …
Goal: To fast-track the HIV response to end new HIV infections, AIDS related deaths and stigma and discrimination in adolescents and young people. Objectives of this fast-track plan: 1. To reduce new HIV infections among adolescents and young people by 40%; 2. To reduce AIDS related deaths among adolescent and young people by 15%; 3. To reduce stigma and discrimination by 25%. Target beneficiaries: The target beneficiary populations are adolescent boys and girls aged 10 – 19 years and young people, particularly women, aged 20 – 24 years. …
List of the priority activities for the national programme on the response to the HIV epidemic, 2013-2016
The goal of this M&E; plan is to guide and coordinate the effective collection, analysis, aggregation and use of data for the assessment of progress trends in the national response to HIV/AIDS and for enhanced decision making process.
Objective: Just as HIV prevention programs need to be tailored to the local epidemic, so should evaluations be country-owned and country-led to ensure use of those results in decision making and policy. The objective of this paper is to describe the process undertaken in Ghana to develop a national evaluation plan for the Ghana national strategy for key populations. Methods: This was a participatory process that involved meetings between the Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC), other partners in Ghana working to prevent HIV among key populations, and MEASURE Evaluation. …
This edition covers Adult and Paediatric HIV and AIDS management; Nutrition; Management of Opportunistic Infections; Home Based Care and the Continuum of Care; and Counselling for HIV Testing as well as ART adherence. Other areas covered include: health facility certification, standard precautions in care settings and laboratory services, post exposure prophylaxis, as well as ARV logistics and dosages.