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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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A busca obteve 57 resultados em 0.023 segundos

Resultados da busca

  1. Addressing the needs of young people living with HIV: A guide for professionals

    Life skills and sexuality education programmes usually only focus on HIV negative young people. And HIV prevention seems to be the main target of many of such programmes. However, HIV positive youth also need our attention and care. Fact is that worldwide 40% of all new HIV infections are among young boys and girls, while every day 2,500 other young people are infected. To address the specific needs of young people living with HIV (YPLHIV), this practical guide has been developed. …

  2. Teacher training college programme Theatre for a Change, Malawi endline impact assessment report 2010-2011

    Malawi is among the 10 countries in the world with the highest HIV prevalence rate, estimated at 12%. Among occupational groups, teachers in Malawi are especially at risk. Their HIV prevalence rate is 23%, almost double the national rate (National AIDS Commission 2009). However, when trainee teachers enter into Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs) their estimated HIV prevalence rate is under 3%. Theatre for a Change (TfaC)has identified TTCs as an ideal environment to work with this vulnerable population before they encounter situations that will put them at risk of HIV infection. …

  3. The effectiveness of HIV-AIDS education prevention programmes in Zimbabwe: the role of school heads in SACMEQ III

    The overall objective of this study is to analyse the response of the education sector to HIV-AIDS epidemic through inputs from the heads of primary schools by describing their viewpoints and professional characteristics in the context of HIV and also examining how the school environment, that the school heads are in charge of, were supportive in the context of HIV-AIDS. Based on the research problematic, the memoire will attempt to provide answers to the following research questions: a) What is the demographic situation in the context of HIV-AIDS in Zimbabwe? …

  4. South Asian Regional Conference: Responding to the needs of out of school adolescents. Experiences of South Asian countries. Selected best practices, report of the conference and recommendations

    The overall objective of the conference was to contribute to the thinking on Goal 3 of EFA Goals using the experiences/learning of existing governmental/non governmental efforts in the South Asian Region. The deliberations that took place at the conference provided a platform for practitioners as well as policy makers from government/non government organizations/agencies in the South Asian region, who are working with out of school adolescents, to share their experiences and ideas with each other. …

  5. Vijana tunaweza Newala: findings from a participatory research and action project in Tanzania

    Globally, girls and young women are more likely to be hiV-positive than their male peers, due in large part to an array of gender inequalities that negatively impact their their mental and physical well being. The International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) and Taasisi ya Maendeleo Shirikishi Arusha (TAMASHA), in collaboration with Pact Tanzania, developed a participatory research and action project (Vitu Newala) that aimed to both understand and respond to girls’ HIV-related vulnerabilities. …

  6. Protecting children affected by HIV against abuse, exploitation, violence and neglect

    This document is intended to explore strategies to protect orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) who were made so by HIV from abuse, exploitation, violence, and neglect. It draws from lessons learned by OVC program managers, designers, and policy developers - particularly those associated with the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEFPAR). …

  7. A multi-sectoral approach to providing reproductive health and information services to young people in Western Kenya: Kenya Adolescent Reproductive Health Project

    Informing adolescents about appropriate and acceptable behaviours, and ways to protect themselves against unwanted and unprotected sex, has proved problematic in Kenya. Education programmes for in and out of school adolescents are lacking, there is controversy around providing services to sexually active adolescents, and a pervasive concern that sexuality education and contraceptive services leads to promiscuity. …

  8. A Manual for Lower Secondary HFLE Teachers

    This manual is intended to assist upper primary and lower secondary school teachers in the delivery of the Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) curriculum particularly in the area of human sexuality. In an effort to make teachers more comfortable with material and so to improve their levels of competency in the area of the curriculum regarding Human Sexuality, the Ministry of Education has embarked on a number of initiatives. This manual on Human Sexuality is one such initiative. …

  9. Guidance on HIV in education in emergencies

    This Guidance on HIV in Education in Emergencies provides information for education practitioners who provide, manage or support education services in emergencies. It provides guidance for mainstreaming HIV and sexual and reproductive health issues into formal and nonformal education responses for adolescents 10-19 years old. Parts 1 and 2 of this guide focus on the behavioural measures of combination prevention. Education in emergencies is about more than just providing teaching and learning of literacy and numeracy. …

  10. Naviguer dans le labyrinthe : Améliorer la coordination et l'intégration des programmes et politiques sur l'emploi et le revenu en cas d'invalidité, pour les personnes vivant avec le VIH/sida

    Le présent document de travail a pour but de susciter des discussions en vue d'une amélioration de la coordination et de l'intégration de tels programmes. À cette fin, certaines incohérences et incompatibilités entre divers ressorts sont mises en relief, afin d'initier une discussion en vue de mécanismes pour rehausser la coordination. …

  11. Manual clínico de alimentação e nutrição na assistência a adultos infectados pelo HIV

    O presente documento, elaborado pelo Programa Nacional de DST e Aids e Coordenação Geral de Alimentação e Nutrição do Ministério da Saúde, contou com a colaboração de profissionais da área de Nutrição e HIV/Aids de serviços e redes de apoio do país. O objetivo é trazer informação aos profissionais de saúde do Sistema Único de Saúde, envolvidos no aconselhamento e tratamento das pessoas vivendo com HIV e aids (PVHA). O objetivo deste material é servir de base na avaliação e aconselhamento nutricional. …

  12. Rotinas de Assistência Domiciliar Terapêutica (ADT) em HIV/AIDS

    A Assistência Domiciliar Terapêutica em Aids (ADT), implantada em 1995 no Brasil, constitui-se em uma modalidade assistencial com o objetivo de prestar atendimento multidisciplinar diferenciado, em nível domiciliar, às pessoas que vivem com HIV/AIDS. Contando com uma equipe formada por médico, enfermeira, assistente social e psicólogo, visa proporcionar ao paciente e sua família uma assistência integral, uma melhor qualidade de vida e uma redução no índice de demanda e ocupação dos leitos hospitalares. …

  13. Manual de rotinas para assistência de adolescentes vivendo com HIV/Aids

    Adolescentes e jovens estão sendo infectados e afetados pelo HIV mais do que qualquer outro grupo populacional. As características sócio-demográficas e culturais dos adolescentes e jovens vivendo com HIV/aids mostram a necessidade de se implementar ações de intervenção preventiva e clínica de qualidade que contemple as necessidades desse grupo populacional de forma mais efetiva, integral e participativa. …

  14. Diretrizes para o fortalecimento das ações de adesao ao tratamento para pessoas que vivem com HIV e aids

    O Ministério da Saúde, por meio do Programa Nacional de DST e Aids, apresenta às organizações governamentais e da sociedade civil, que desenvolvem ações em HIV e Aids, as Diretrizes Nacionais para Fortalecer as Ações de Adesão para as pessoas que vivem com HIV ou aids (PVHA). Essas diretrizes têm a intenção de afirmar a importância da adesão ao tratamento, compreendida na sua maior amplitude conceitual, e recomendar ações que proporcionem melhoria na qualidade de vida de quem vive com HIV ou aids. …

  15. Direitos Humanos e HIV/AIDS: Avanços e perspectivas para o enfrentamento da epidemia no Brasil

    Não é possível dissociar direitos humanos do enfrentamento das DST/HIV/aids. O processo de reconhecimento do direito ao acesso universal a prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento constitui importante bandeira de direitos humanos desde o inicio da epidemia. Afirmar a dignidade do ser humano é o que traz sentido para, por exemplo, a discussão sobre a função social da propriedade intelectual frente o direito à saúde. Além da disponibilização de preservativos e medicamentos anti-retrovirais, trata-se de uma luta constante contra as desigualdades sociais. …


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