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La Educación Sexual Integral (ESI) es una propuesta educativa fundamental para mejorar la salud sexual y reproductiva de los adolescentes (SSRA), garantizar una vivencia de la sexualidad responsable y placentera y prevenir la violencia de género. La ESI cobra particular relevancia en el Perú, país que muestra cifras críticas referidas a la SSRA. …
La oferta de información integral y oportuna sobre salud sexual, y la construcción de habilidades en la materia, son esenciales para preparar a los jóvenes para que lleven vidas sexuales y reproductivas sanas, ejerzan sus derechos y prevengan resultados negativos en su salud y sus vidas. …
Le présent module de formation est destiné aux adolescent(e)s. Un consensus est à ce jour réalisé tant sur le plan scientifique (derniers travaux de la psychologie du développement) qu’institutionnel (OMS, UNFPA, UNICEF, diverses ONG…), sur la tranche d’âge correspondant à l’adolescence. Il s’agit bien des garçons et filles âgés de 10 à 19 ans. …
Sex and relationship education (SRE) is regarded as vital to improving young people's sexual health, but a third of schools in England lacks good SRE and government guidance is outdated. The authors aimed to identify what makes SRE programmes effective, acceptable, sustainable and capable of faithful implementation. […] They identified key features of effective and acceptable SRE. Their best practice criteria can be used to evaluate existing programmes, contribute to the development of new programmes and inform consultations around statutory SRE.
This report documents progress on implementation of a Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)-funded UNESCO project that aims to strengthen sexuality education programmes for young people in school settings in Zambia. The project was conceptualized in line with the country’s thematic focus on broader economic and social development and is expected to reach all 9,000 government schools, 1,749,664 learners representing 100% of grades 5 to 12 learners, 40,000 in-service teachers, and 20,000 preservice teachers. …
"As we grow up" series consists of three volumes under the themes of puberty, relationships and healthy sexuality which was compiled to support secondary schools and community learning centers in their efforts in strengthening Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) for young people.
"As we grow up" series consists of three volumes under the themes of puberty, relationships and healthy sexuality which was compiled to support secondary schools and community learning centers in their efforts in strengthening Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) for young people.
"As we grow up" series consists of three volumes under the themes of puberty, relationships and healthy sexuality which was compiled to support secondary schools and community learning centers in their efforts in strengthening Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) for young people.
A UNESCO tem como missão construir uma cultura de paz na perspectiva do desenvolvimento sustentável, do diálogo intercultural, do respeito às diferenças e das diversidades e da erradicação da pobreza, buscando construir espaços de educação e/ou ambientes de aprendizagem saudáveis, em que não haja qualquer tipo de violência ou de discriminação, por meio da utilização de estratégias de educação e aprendizagem ao longo de toda a vida. …
The Guidance for the Implementation of the Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe outlines the process for developing a national school-based sexuality education programme and provides step-by-step guidance on how to introduce new or improve existing sexuality education programmes. The Guidance is designed to build on a curriculum framework as a model that maps out the process of developing a sexuality education programme using this framework. This model should be adapted to reflect national differences in the education sector. …
The aim of this guide is to encourage young people to stand up for their right to high-quality education on their sexual and reproductive health, and to support young people to lead advocacy efforts to improve CSE. While it is mostly aimed at young people and youth-led and youth-serving organisations, it will also be useful to other organisations, volunteers and activists who want to begin or strengthen advocacy around improving sexuality education.
This report provides a detailed snapshot of how the policies related to sexuality education in Ghana are translated into practice and what students, teachers and heads of schools think about them. Data from official documents, key informant interviews and school-based surveys were used to examine how sexuality education programs in three regions were developed, implemented and experienced. …
This report provides a snapshot of how sexuality education policies in Kenya are translated into practice in secondary schools, and what students, teachers and principals think about them. Data from official documents, key informant interviews and school-based surveys were used to examine how sexuality education programs in three counties were developed, implemented and experienced. …
This fact sheet presents new evidence from a study conducted in Nairobi, Mombasa and Homa Bay counties in 2015. Data were collected in 78 schools from teachers, principals and students in Forms 2 and 3, as well as from key informants involved with policy and program development and implementation.
This fact sheet presents evidence from a study conducted in Greater Accra, Brong Ahafo and Northern regions in 2015. Data were collected in 82 senior high schools from 78 school heads, 346 teachers and 2,990 students in Forms 2 and 3, as well as from policy makers, program implementers and community leaders.