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This call for action was formulated by the Ministers of Education, Health, Gender, and Youth and senior government officials, gathered in Durban, South Africa, on 18 July 2016 for the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) Ministerial Commitment Progress Meeting in order to commit themselves to step up efforts to ensure adolescents’ and young people’s access to good quality CSE and youth-friendly SRH services in the ESA region, and to work in partnership with young people, parents, civil society, and community and religious leaders to achieve the goals set out in the 2013 ESA Commitment.
The aim of this paper is to present and discuss some of the obstacles to effective sexuality education in rural Lesotho schools and offer some suggestions that could facilitate positive change in the current status of sexuality education. The call for education as a ‘vaccine’ against new HIV infections places teachers at the forefront of the fight against the pandemic, and thus it is imperative to understand how they experience teaching about sexuality. …
Educators, service providers, and health professionals worldwide are advocating that young people receive comprehensive sexuality education to help them become sexually healthy adults and to help them practice safer sexual behaviors, delay the onset of sexual intercourse, and reduce unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease (STD) rates. Though there is often consensus that young people should receive such education, few actually do. This is primarily due to a lack of understanding and consensus about sexuality education goals, components, and standards. …
Using in-depth interviews, the authors asked sexuality educators in South Africa about their own professional preparation and what they believed were necessary educator characteristics for teaching Sexuality Education. Their findings show that the teachers taught Sexuality Education without any appropriate qualification or preparation, but because they had a lighter teaching load and had room to take on more teaching hours. Nevertheless, they all mention that ‘not anybody can teach Sexuality Education’. …
Los materiales educativos consituyen un recurso pedagógico altamente valorado por las y los docentes, más aún si se aborda una temática central en la vida de cada persona como es la sexualidad. Es por esta razón que la Dirección de Tutoría y Orientación Educativa (DITOE) ha considerado, dentro de sus objetivos estratégicos, dotar de material educativo a las y los docentes para la Educación Sexual Integral de adolescentes. …
This document is designed to complement Putting Sexuality back into Comprehensive Sexuality Education: making the case for a rights-based, sex-positive approach, and it aims to give practical tips for putting IPPF's right-based, sex-positive approach, into practice.
This discussion paper builds on IPPF’s report ‘Everyone’s right to know: delivering comprehensive sexuality education for all young people’, launched at the Women Deliver conference in May 2016. The report recommends that high quality CSE should be delivered to all young people and explores the evidence supporting the provision of sexuality education both in and outside of schools. …
Sex has regularly proven to be a polarising issue for the UN Member States, and the 2016 High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS on June 8–10 was no exception. The Political Declaration adopted at the meeting addresses the sexual health needs of young people (15–24 years), including adolescents (11–19 years). 2000 new HIV infections occur among young people every day. HIV is the leading cause of death among adolescents in Africa, and the second-highest cause of death worldwide in this age group. …
Sexuality Education is the process of acquiring information and forming attitudes, beliefs and values regarding interpersonal relationships, affection, intimacy, body image and gender roles. Having a ’comprehensive’ sexuality education is important because it empowers and equips young people with knowledge, skills and tools to determine and enjoy their sexuality, physically and emotionally. Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) should ideally be implemented in schools but it can also be implemented in informal settings for out-of-school children and youth. …
El Ministerio de Educación, en el marco de las acciones orientadas al fortalecimiento de la Educación Sexual Integral en el sistema educativo peruano, elabora y distribuye materiales educativos que contribuyen a la labor pedagógica de las docentes y los docentes.La Educación Sexual Integral (ESI) que se imparte en la instituciones educativas se,sustenta en los Lineamientos Educativos y Orientaciones Pedagógicas para la Educación Sexual Integral (R.D. …
The Engaging Young People in Sexuality Education (EYPSE) research project lead by Emeritus Professor Bruce Johnson addresses two questions: What are young people’s views on school-based sexuality and relationships education? In what ways could sexuality and relationships education be improved? The report focuses on findings from the first stage of the research project, consisting of an online survey of over 2,000 students in 31 secondary schools in South Australia and Victoria. The research was conducted in government secondary schools in South Australia (14) and Victoria (17). …
This commentary concerns the policy brief published in this issue (European Expert Group on Sexuality Education 2015). It reflects the author’s experiences with the outcomes of efforts to introduce sexuality education in Croatia, followed by a brief history of events related to the recent introduction of sexuality education in Croatian primary and secondary schools.
On 7 December 2013, in Cape Town, South Africa, Ministers of Education and Health from 201 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) agreed to work collaboratively towards a vision of young Africans who are global citizens of the future, who are educated, healthy, resilient, socially responsible, informed decision-makers, and have the capacity to contribute to their community, country, and region. They affirmed a commitment to the right to the highest possible level of health, education, non-discrimination, and well-being of current and future generations. …
El Ministerio de Educación, desde la Dirección de Tutoría y Orientación Educativa (DITOE), está comprometido con la importante tarea de brindar Educación Sexual Integral en las instituciones educativas, comprendiendo que la sexualidad es inseparable de la persona humana desde el nacimiento y está presente en cada momento de nuestra vida. …
This article aims to explore Grade 11 learners perceptions and experience of the teaching of sexuality education. A total of 270 adolescent boys (n 121) and girls (n 149) from the Heidedal suburb of the greater Mangaung Municipality, South Africa, completed an anonymously written Teaching of Sexuality Education Attitude Scale (TSEAS). The questionnaire was constructed on a six-point Likert scale with response options ranging from 1 (highly disagree) to 6 (highly agree). …