ICRW, Plan International, 2014.
International Center for Research on Women, ICRW
Plan International
This report presents findings from a baseline study carried out in specific districts of five Asian countries: Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan and Vietnam, as part of a programme to address School Related Gender based Violence (SRGBV) in the region. Tilted Promoting Equality and Safety in Schools (PEASS), this regional programme has an overarching goal to make the ‘education systems in Asia gender responsive with zero-tolerance to SRGBV’, and is a joint initiative of Plan International and the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW). This study collects quantitative and qualitative data to establish benchmarks on the nature, extent and response to SRGBV for the proposed pilot projects in the five countries that will be evaluated to create an evidence base for further advocacy on creating an institutionalized response to SRGBV in the region. The specific objectives of the study are to: Assess the magnitude and nature, response and reporting of different forms of SRGBV, both in school and on the way to school/around school, and what encourages or impedes this response; Understand the perceptions of adults (parents, school authorities) towards SRGBV and the mechanisms to report and respond to it ; and Recommend an overall programmatic framework for addressing SRGBV, including key strategies and indicators for measurement.
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