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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Pedoman dan modul pendidikan kecakapan hidup untuk pencegahan HIV dan AIDS bagi guru SMP dan yang sederajat

    Guidelines and life skills education module for the prevention of HIV and AIDS for junior secondary teachers (SMP) or equivalent in Bahasa Indonesia.

  2. Pendidikan pencegahan HIV: kit informasi guru

    Kit Informasi Guru ini berisi kumpulan lembar fakta yang meliputi sekelompok masalah yang penting dipahami oleh guru tatkala mereka mendidik murid mereka baik di tingkat pendidikan dasar maupun pendidikan menengah. Lembar fakta tersebut bertujuan untuk menyadarkan para guru tentang masalah yang berkaitan dengan HIV dan AIDS dan sekaligus menunjukkan cara-cara penanggulangannya untuk disampaikan pada waktu mengajar. Kit ini dapat dimanfaatkan juga sebagai sumber bacaan tersendiri bagi pembelajaran jarak jauh atau sebagai buku pelengkap dalam pelatihan guru in-service. …

  3. HIV prevention among vulnerable populations: the Pathfinder International approach

    This publication provides a background in the risks faced by populations especially vulnerable to HIV and AIDS. The document outlines strategies effective in prevention of HIV and AIDS among sex workers, men who have sex with other men, and injecting drug users. Programs described include peer education, comprehensive health services and quality of treatment, provider referral networks, and in-service training and sensitization.

  4. National strategic plan for HIV and sexually transmitted infections 2008‐2012

    The strategic plan has identified four priority areas that address the reality of sexual behaviors in Vanuatu and the evolving epidemics of HIV and STI: Reduction of community vulnerability to the spread of HIV and other STI; Improve access to proper HIV care and treatment and STI care; Create the policy and environment to support flourishing HIV intervention; Strengthen the capacity of coordination and management.

  5. Tuvalu national strategic plan for HIV and STIs 2009 – 2013

    key priority areas of the HIV Strategic Plan for Tuvalu 2008 – 2012 are as follows: Priority Area 1: Achieving an enabling environment; Priority Area 2: Prevention of HIV and other STIs; Priority Area 3: Treatment Care and Support; Priority Area 4: Program Management.

  6. Kingdom of Tonga national strategic plan for HIV and STIs 2009-2013

    The Plan proposes a safer and more resilient Tongan population working together in the treatment, care and support of those living with HIV - and help prevent the spread of STIs, HIV and other communicable diseases so that people can live free and healthy lives in dignity and unity in a peaceful and prosperous Tonga. Its goal is to reduce the spread and impact of HIV and other STIs through a whole-of- country approach, while embracing the groups that are most at risk such as people living with and affected by HIV and Other STIs. …

  7. The "Stepping Stones" training package: user survey

    This document provides the results of a survey carried out by the The Strategies for Hope Trust between January and April 2010. The aim of the survey was to obtain feedback from users of the "Stepping Stones" training package on the following topics: who exactly has been using these materials; with which groups the materials have been used, and in what numbers; how the participants in these training sessions have perceived the materials; what the participants decided to do after the training sessions, and how useful the materials have been to them.

  8. HIV and AIDS policy for the national education system of Papua New Guinea 2012-2016

    The HIV and AIDS Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea has four main sections, which, taken together, provide an effective response to HIV. These sections are: 1) Prevention for students; 2) Care and support for students; 3) Prevention, care and support of the education workforce; and 4) Managing education’s response to HIV.

  9. Young people and the law in Asia and the Pacific: A review of laws and policies affecting young people's access to sexual and reproductive health and HIV services

    To date, there has been no systematic review of how laws and policies govern young people's access to sexual and reproductive health and HIV information and services, and the ability of service providers to ensure these services are available and accessible to young people. This review aims to do so for the Asia-Pacific region. It assesses criminal laws, laws in relation to age, laws on health and HIV, law enforcement practices, and national policies related to HIV, SRH and youth. …

  10. The national HIV policy and multisectoral strategic plan 2005-10 Solomon Islands

    This revised National HIV Policy and Multi-sectoral Strategic Plan 2005-2010 provides the policy direction framework and multi-sectoral strategies, which forms the basis of the operational plans of all stakeholders. The key result areas of the policy and multisectoral plan are: 1. Reduction of risks and Vulnerability to HIV and other STIs; 2. Increasing access to Screening and strengthening Confidentiality in services; 3. Establishing, expanding and strengthening STI/HIV Surveillance, and the continuum of treatment and care; 4. …

  11. Republic of the Marshall Islands national HIV/AIDS strategic plan 2006-2009

    The National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan for 2006-2009 is intended as a resource to enhance the Marshall Islands response to addressing HIV/AIDS in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. This plan is a community response to HIV, and will attempt to address the decisive geographic, socio-cultural, political, economic, health and legal factors which may impact the spread of HIV using Marshallese values and beliefs as the backbone to the response.

  12. Plan multisectoriel 2008-2013 de prévention contre le VIH/SIDA et les IST

    Le PMT5 s’articule autour de cinq axes stratégiques : La prévention de la transmission du VIH/SIDA; Le contrôle des Infections Sexuellement Transmissibles (IST); La prise en charge des personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA; La surveillance épidémiologique; La coordination multisectorielle.

  13. Kiribati STI and HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan 2005-2008

    The Kiribati STI and HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan 2005 – 2008 is an update of the Kiribati STI and HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan 2000 and addresses the prevention, treatment, care and support needs of I-Kiribati for the period 2005 to 2008. Changes have been made to correspond to the present situation, and to create multi-sectoral responses to HIV that focus on the following priority areas: treatment, care and support; prevention of transmission, coordination of national response. …

  14. Discussion paper: Islam, sexual diversity and access to health services

    At the 2010 Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM) Board meeting, a working group on Faith, Men who have Sex with Men, Transgender People and HIV was formed to look into the impacts of faith and cultural values on the risks and vulnerability of marginalised populations such as Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) and transgender people. …

  15. HIV prevention on youth: final report

    This report covers a focus group discussion on HIV and AIDS information needs among university students in Jakarta and Papua as well as the report of the establishment of an HIV Prevention for youth E-learning course using video conference and webinar for the university students.


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