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The guidance circular provides information to schools on: strategic planning for sex and relationships education; developing effective sex and relationships education; working in partnership with parents/carers and the wider community. The guidance is supported by supplementary materials to help schools in the delivery of their sex and relationships education programmes.
Purpose: A literature review was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of external contributors (anyone other than a teacher at the school) in delivering school‐based drug, alcohol and tobacco education (substance use education) programmes. Design/methodology/approach: The review focused upon literature published from 1990 onwards in English. Published reports were identified via electronic searches, supplemented by hand searching of relevant journals. Relevant organisations and individuals were contacted to identify low circulation, difficult to acquire (grey) literature. …
This report presents an assessment of school feeding policies and institutions that affect young children in Armenia. The analysis is based on a World Bank tool developed as part of the systems approach for better education results (SABER) initiative that aims to systematically assess education systems against evidence-based global standards and good practice to assist countries reform their education systems for proper learning for all. SABER - school feeding collects, analyzes, and disseminates comprehensive information on school feeding policies around the world. …
Specific objectives of the RURHS11 were: to assess current levels and trends in fertility, abortion, contraception, and various other reproductive health indicators; to enable policy makers, program managers, and researchers to evaluate existing reproductive health programs and develop new strategies; to study factors that affect fertility, contraceptive use, and maternal and infant health, such as geographic and sociodemographic factors, breastfeeding patterns, use of induced abortion, and availability of family planning services; to identify characteristics of women at increased risk of uni …
The School Meals (Local Projects) Scheme is an administrative scheme, operated directly by the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection. The Scheme provides funding to primary and post-primary schools, local groups, voluntary organisations and community-based not-for-profit preschools operating their own school meals projects. […]. These Standards aim to ensure that children and young people in schools participating in the scheme are provided with healthy balanced meals that follow the Healthy Eating Guidelines. …
This guide looks at how to pull the whole commissioning system together, focusing on: - interfaces in commissioning responsibility, detailing the areas where more than one commissioning organisation is responsible for different elements of care that an individual may need. Includes how commissioning bodies need to work together to ensure that the individual experiences seamless delivery of services to meet their needs. - addressing the wider determinants of health, illustrating examples of how local areas are taking a wider view to address an area of need. …
The findings from the 2015 Lifeskills Survey highlight, as in the 2009 and 2012 surveys, the very good work that schools do to equip their students with a range of essential Lifeskills; including physical activity and healthy eating, aspects of Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) and Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE), as well as addressing anti-bullying, substance use and road safety. In 2015 the survey included Youthreach Centres and Community Training Centres (CTC) for the first time. The survey is conducted entirely online. …
La brochure est destinée aux différents professionnels qui participent à la vie de l'école. Elle précise toutes les informations nécessaires pour faciliter la mise en œuvre des mesures d'hygiène, indispensables aussi bien dans le déroulement, au jour le jour, de la vie de l'école que dans certaines situations plus exceptionnelles. Ces mesures quotidiennes sont à préciser dans le règlement intérieur de l'école adopté par le conseil d'école. Leur élaboration et leur application nécessitent une étroite collaboration entre les équipes éducatives, les familles et les personnels
The Act gives Scottish Ministers the power to set nutritional requirements for food and drinks in schools by Regulations. This guidance is intended to help those who are involved in providing food and drinks in schools to implement the Regulations. It explains the nutritional requirements in the Regulations and provides guidance on how to comply with them. The guidance also makes recommendations on other practical aspects not covered by the Regulations.
Étroitement liées, santé et éducation constituent ensemble le socle sur lequel s’appuie une dynamique de réussite. Abordant l’éducation à la santé sous un angle résolument pratique, cet ouvrage décrit et illustre les différentes étapes de la démarche de projet en tenant compte des spécificités du milieu scolaire. Conçu comme un guide méthodologique, il est destiné à accompagner les équipes éducatives et les intervenants dans l’élaboration, la réalisation, le suivi et l’évaluation de leurs actions d’éducation à la santé. …
Cette brochure constitue un appui méthodologique à l'organisation des séances d'éducation à la sexualité. Elle a pour objectif d'aider les équipes éducatives à préparer ces séances, à structurer et animer leurs interventions.
Objectives: Although sex and relationship education (SRE) represents a key strand in policies to safeguard young people and improve their sexual health, it currently lacks statutory status, government guidance is outdated and a third of UK schools has poor-quality SRE. We aimed to investigate whether current provision meets young people's needs. Design: Synthesis of qualitative studies of young people's views of their school-based SRE. Setting: Eligible studies originated from the UK, Ireland, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, Iran, Brazil and Sweden. …
In 2016 Stonewall commissioned the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge to conduct a survey with young people who are lesbian, gay, bi or trans (or think they might be) on their experiences in secondary schools and colleges across Britain. Between November 2016 and February 2017, 3,713 LGBT young people aged between 11-19, including 402 living in Scotland, completed an online questionnaire. This report represents the responses of these participants living in Scotland. …
In 2016 Stonewall commissioned the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge to conduct a survey with young people who are lesbian, gay, bi or trans (LGBT), or who think they might be, on their experiences in secondary schools and colleges across Britain. Between November 2016 and February 2017, 3,713 LGBT young people aged 11-19 completed an online questionnaire, and this report presents the findings of this survey. This study is the third School Report published by Stonewall, and marks ten years since the publication of the first study in 2007. …
This resource aims to help schools with the process of reviewing their drug and alcohol policy, with practical advice on consulting with teachers, pupils, parents and others in the community. It can be used by primary and secondary schools and pupil referral units, and should also be helpful for colleges.