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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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A busca obteve 245 resultados em 0.012 segundos

Resultados da busca

  1. School health education to prevent AIDS and STD: a resource package for curriculum planners; students' activities

    This handbook for students is the last in a series of three documents designed for educational planners, teachers and students on school health education and the prevention of HIV/AIDS and STDs. It includes some fifty-three student learning activities on prevention of HIV/AIDS and STDs. The activities are divided into four units: 1) basic knowledge on HIV/AIDS and STDs; 2) abstinence and postponement of first sexual contact; 3) practicing safer sex; and 4) counselling and support.

  2. AIDS: A hand for Teachers in Swaziland

    This is a handbook developed for teachers in Swaziland and it covers sexuality Education, HIV/AIDS Education and teaching and pre-school, lower primary, upper primary, junior secondary and senior secondary education leves. It also discuss sexuality of babies and children and the various topics and parameters of HIV/AIDS and prevention.The handbook also presents and discuss the cultural, social and economic implications of AIDS in swaziland and its basic facts.

  3. The AIDS epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa: are teachers a high-risk group?

    This article assesses the extent to which teachers in Sub-Saharan Africa are a ‘high-risk’ group with respect to HIV infection and AIDS-related mortality. The main conclusion that is drawn from this review is that little hard evidence exists to support the contention that teachers are more vulnerable to the epidemic than other occupational groups.

  4. Draft Project Document: Strengthening Teacher's Capacity on HIV/AIDS and Life Skills Education: a Pilot Project in Selected Teachers' Training Colleges in Zimbabwe

    This is a project document submmited to the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education in Zimbabwe where UNESCO proposes to support the strengthening of the HIV/AIDS and Life Skills Programme in teacher training colleges. The report looks at the status of the ongoing programme and with input from the collges tries to identify the areas in need of support.

  5. Talking about AIDS in Schools: An AIDS Workshop Design for School Principals, Administrators and Teachers

    This is a document which gives guidance to a facilitator on AIDS prevention education. It gives guidance on how to design and conduct an advocacy workshop so as to initiate a process by which preventive education on AIDS/STD for adolescents will have acceptance and the full support from school principals, administrators, teachers and parents of secondary school students. The four modules covered are: Talking about HIV/AIDS, Targeting adolescent boys and girls, Understanding adolescence and Module 4 is on Developing Methodologies.


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