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Nota publicada en el sitio web del Programa Prioritario de ITS y SIDA sobre la situación del VIH/SIDA en Uruguay. En un estudio realizado y publicado en diciembre de 2008, se reveló una baja prevalencia nacional, concentrada en los grupos más vulnerables. Se alcanzó una "meseta", es decir un control de la epidemia en la población general. Dos uruguayos por día eran notificados de la enfermedad, actualmente, la cifra descendió a uno, lo que demuestra que las acciones preventivas están dando sus frutos.
Learning About Healthy Living - An Activity Manual for Outreach Workers is a document developed by Family Health International in Lao PDR and funded by USAID in 2007. The manual illustrates the experiences of outreach workers in Lao PDR. It provides clear guidance for conducting prevention education activities with women (sex workers). It also shows how complex Reproductive Health and HIV prevention information can be successfully presented by outreach volunteers who, in many cases, develop their own materials. …
Resumen de una experiencia realizada en Santo Domingo y Puerto Plata (República Dominicana), acerca de la concientización del uso de preservativos por parte de trabajadoras sexuales de esas dos ciudades. …
Estudio sobre el comportamiento sexual y prácticas de riesgo en grupos vulnerables al VIH/SIDA en México, así como sus conocimientos del tema. Se estudiaron a hombres que tienen sexo con hombres, hombres trabajadores sexuales, camioneros de larga distancia y mujeres trabajadoras sexuales. De cada uno de estos grupos se estudió lo siguiente: Prevalencia de VIH, Características sociodemográficas, Conocimientos de VIH/SIDA, Acceso a condones y a la prueba de VIH, Comportamientos sexuales, Prácticas de inyección y uso de drogas, Estigma y discriminación.
Descripción general del Plan Nacional Contra la Explotación Sexual Comercial de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes preparado por el gobierno de Costa Rica. Situación a nivel nacional, líneas de acción y objetivos. Tareas de prevención y marco legal, incluyendo reformas necesarias para combatir este problema. Labores de represión y atención a víctimas.
Estudio evaluativo del resultado de las acciones de información, educación y comunicación en salud para reducción de la incidencia de infección de VIH y otras ITS, adopción de prácticas sexuales y/o de uso de drogas de forma segura, dirigidas a mujeres trabajadoras del sexo en nueve estados de Brasil.
This toolkit was published in 2005 by the WHO. This toolkit is intended for use by anyone involved in HIV prevention initiatives in sex work settings. The purpose of this toolkit is to make both published and unpublished information more accessible to a wider audience, and so to contribute to global efforts to develop and scale up effective HIV interventions in sex work settings. Most of the items in this toolkit focus on HIV prevention in such settings. Less information is available on treatment, care and support for sex workers living with HIV. …
The report presents findings from the second round of the Cambodian Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) completed in June 1998 as well as some important differences in the levels of reported behaviour from the BSSI (1997) to the BSS II (1998). The BSSII was conducted in the provinces in Cambodia to track sexual behaviour changes in Cambodia.
In Thailand, too many girls find themselves at an early age in the sex industry Young girls are thought to be "safe" and uninfected with HIV, but the risk of infection to them and their clients is very high. This UNAIDS Best Practice Case Study describes some of the responses to that problem, focusing on changing attitudes of girls and their parents to the sex industry, and on providing a means for girls to avoid becoming sex workers through improved education and career opportunities. …
New Approaches to Sex Work and HIV/AIDS: May 2002 Newsletter
HIV/AIDS Prevention in Vietnam: Condom Tunnel Creates Corridor of Knowledge
The importance of designing and implementing successful targeted interventions for sex workers as part of HIV prevention and control cannot be over-emphasised. In almost every country, sex workers comprise a focal point of the epidemic. They are the victims of discrimination, often violently intense, trafficking, legal persecution and societal ambivalence as well as one of the first occupational groups to become heavily infected. The infection passes from sex workers back to their clients and into the general population of women, men and children. One of the clearest public health lessons emerging from the HIV pandemic is that protecting the human rights of sex workers is an important means of prevention.
This document is the Declaration adopted by consensus at the end of a consultation on HIV, epidemiology and prostitution. The consultation was aimed at evaluating the potential role of prostitution in the transmission of HIV and at determining possible interventions based on the prevention of HIV infection among prostitutes and their clients.
This paper examines the concept of strengthening community action within the context of HIV prevention. There is evidence of the potential role of community participation in HIV/AIDS prevention and care efforts. This paper examines problems and prospects for participation in HIV prevention strategies among commercial sex workers in Madras. It is based on the experiences of a pilot project established by the Tamil Nadu State Government AIDS Cell and WHO.