This conference is organized by UNECSO Moscow Office, Russian Federation Ministry of Culture and Mass Communication, State University – Higher School of Economics in collaboration with Moscow Kremlin Museums, Russian Federation Agency for Tourism and Interparliamentary Assembly of CIS countries within the framework of international programs and projects of the UNESCO for Heritage Safeguarding and Cultural Tourism Development and on the basis of recommendation of seminars on cultural tourism policies realized by UNECSO Moscow Office for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and the Russian Federation, in 2005.

The objectives of the conference are:
  • To promote international debate within legal, social, professional, economic and scientific forums on problems related to cultural policies for heritage safeguarding and cultural diversity and to discuss their links with tourism development.
  • To develop sensitization and cooperation between all stakeholders involved with the aim of safeguarding and valorising cultural diversity and raising awareness of tangible and intangible heritage through cultural tourism development.
  • To promote best-practice exchanges and to provide exemplary models for the encouragement of tourism responsible in regard to cultural heritage and sustainable development on national and international levels.
  • To discuss and support innovative projects for heritage safeguarding and cultural tourism for sustainable development.
The main subjects for discussion are the following:
  • Cultural policy and legislative basis for heritage safeguarding and cultural tourism development on national and international level.
  • Innovative Issues of safeguarding of World heritage sites and cultural tourism development in the CIS Countries.
  • Management of historical cities for cultural tourism development.
  • The role of museums in cultural tourism development.
  • Nature Reserves and ecological tourism development.
  • Economical aspects of heritage safeguarding and cultural tourism development. Public-private partnership development.
Results to be achieved

Useful and topical recommendations to the public and commercial organizations, NGOs and the CIS Countries in the field of technologies of cultural tourism development, development biosphere reserves and ecological tourism, economics of culture and the problems of cultural heritage objects maintenance efficiency and problems of the cultural heritage preservation. The conference results implementation is aimed at the global positive impact for culture, tourism and economies of the CIS Countries.

Useful and topical recommendations to the public and commercial organizations, NGOs and the CIS Countries in the field of technologies of cultural tourism development, development biosphere reserves and ecological tourism, economics of culture and the problems of cultural heritage objects maintenance efficiency and problems of the cultural heritage preservation. The conference results implementation is aimed at the global positive impact for culture, tourism and economies of the CIS Countries.