Virtual Reality at Work in the 21st Century: 11th Intl. Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia. This year marks the return of the International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia to Europe. VSMM2005 continues to push the boundaries of Virtual Reality and Multimedia research by focusing on the impact on society.

Virtual Reality is no longer considered novelty or a wonder — but a living reality in the lives of millions of people all over the world. It is therefore time to take a closer look at how Virtual Reality interacts with society, how it affects its users, and how it promotes or directs social change. The theme of the VSMM2005 Conference is Virtual Reality’s present or potential impact on 21st century society in the fields of Heritage, Education, Applied VR Technology, and Entertainment and the Arts. It will also feature a special session in which the theme of professional guidelines and health, safety, and usability issues will be addressed. Conference Location VSMM2005 will be held for the first time in Belgium, in the historic town of Ghent. Hosted by the Ename Center for Public Archaeology and Heritage Presentation, VSMM2005 will take place in the Flanders Expo conference building , October 3-7, 2005.