The UNITAR Hiroshima Office Series on the Management and Conservation of World Heritage Sites aims to enhance implementation of the 1972 UNESCO World Heritage Convention through providing support to national policy making and planning, and information exchange on best practices and case studies. Newly developed "values-based management" methodologies are applied in all aspects of natural and cultural heritage management.

The fifth workshop of the Series will be organized from 30 March to 4 April 2008 in Hiroshima, Japan, and will focus on the role of heritage in the promotion of peace, reconciliation and reconstruction in war-torn, post-war and post-disaster societies. Study tours to the two World Heritage sites in Hiroshima - Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome) and Itsukushima Shinto Shrine - will provide a living laboratory and direct learning opportunities.  

Specifically, the workshop will:

  • Review the basics of the World Heritage regime, available information, updates and current trends;
  • Elucidate the underlying principles of values-based heritage management, with a particular focus on peacebuilding;
  • Consider the role of heritage in war-torn, post-conflict or post-disaster situations;
  • Examine leading policies and strategies, identifying best practices and lessons learned;
  • Create long-term management plans for sites, utilizing nomination dossier or periodical reporting formats;
  • Enhance long-term learning and exchange among the participants.

Participants will be selected from actual or potential heritage site managers; natural/cultural conservation specialists and trainers; and decision makers and government officials within national world heritage administrations, i.e. Ministries of Environment, Culture, Forestry or Tourism. Priority will be given to representatives from post-conflict countries / sites affected by man-made or natural disasters. Some slots will also be made available to national academic institutions, think-tanks and civil society.

Eligible candidates are invited to apply before 31 January 2008 using the attached application form. Final selection will be made by an ad hoc selection committee. UNITAR scholarships, given in priority to least developed country participants, will cover tuition fees, travel, accommodation and meals. Candidates from industrialised countries should obtain financial support from their own countries/organisation but may be exempted from the tuition fee.

For more information, please contact Ms. Hiroko Nakayama at, or Mr. James Short at