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Least Developed Countries

The Comprehensive High-Level Midterm Review of the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries (MTR) will take place in Antalya, Turkey from 27-29 May 2016. The conference will undertake a comprehensive review of the implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action by the least developed countries (LDCs) and their development partners and likewise reaffirm the global commitment to address the special needs of the LDCs.

 The LDCs represent the most vulnerable segment of the international community. They comprise more than 880 million people (about 12 per cent of world population), but account for less than 2 percent of world GDP and about 1 percent of global trade in goods.

Objectives of the MTR:

  • Reaffirm the global commitment to address the special needs of the LDCs countries made at the Fourth UN Conference on the LDCs;
  • Further strengthen the global partnership for development for LDCs, in all priority areas of the IPoA, as well as in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to ensure its timely and effective implementation during the remainder of the decade and beyond;
  • Provide an opportunity to launch concrete measures, initiatives and partnerships, individually or collectively, that have the potential to further progress the IPoA, building on the momentum of recent and relevant United Nations meetings, agendas and conferences.

UNESCO has been contributing to the preparatory process of the conference, providing inputs to the zero draft of the outcome document and outlining priority issues within UNESCO’s mandate. A policy brief was prepared as a key contribution to the mid-term review process. It provides a sectoral review of the progress of the LDCs in achieving the IPoA priority areas relevant to UNESCO's work.

UNESCO will participate in the UN System High Level Event that will be organized on 29 May and is organizing two side events on Leveraging Skills for Employment and Entrepreneurship, and on Science, Technology and Innovation: Building Capacity in the LDCs - the latter co-organized with WIPO.

More information on the Conference is available at http://www.ipoareview.org/

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