About the Creative City: 

A modern city with 92,000 inhabitants, Kolding is an important high-tech centre for Denmark and Northern Europe. Historically known for textile design and fabrication, as well as silver production, Kolding has become a vibrant creative hub. Grasping the need for innovative ways of enhancing social responsibility and of moving towards inclusive and responsive socio-economic development, the city has first-hand experience in applying design-driven innovation to the public services. As a result, design-driven processes have reduced the municipality's expenses by US$ 8 million each year from 2013 to 2015.

Kolding hosts a wide range of large-scale conferences and workshops aimed at questioning design and its role in modern society. The Social Impact Conference, which focuses on design for welfare and social innovation, and the international Design Meets Business Workshop, which discusses the value and benefits of design-led processes to businesses development and social life improvement. The city also established a business network for design companies aimed at promoting design as an innovative tool for competitiveness.

The Municipality launched a new vision for the community through the 'We Design for Life' campaign. With assistance from 900 participants in creating the detailed vision, it specifies that concerted efforts for design-driven solutions lead to a better life, entrepreneurship, social innovation and education. This strategy is based on design thinking methodologies, viewing the involvement of the citizens as preconditions for human-centred development. The vision aims to transform Kolding into a full-scale design thinking community by 2022 and to play a decisive role in developing the Nordic welfare system version 2.0.


Added Value: 

En tant que Ville créative de design, Kolding envisage de :

  • Organiser la Conférence sur l’impact social 2018 sur le thème « Impact social : conception de la protection sociale dans le secteur public » ;
  • Agrandir le quartier de Troldhedestien grâce à de nouvelles installations et activités, avec pour objectif d’attirer tous les citoyens, y compris les personnes souffrant de handicaps et les personnes issues de groupes défavorisés ou vulnérables ;
  • Transformer une zone piétonne de 300 mètres en destination durable verte/bleue 3.0, en recourant à des solutions associant durabilité et valeurs culturelles ;
  • Accueillir la Design Week 2018/2019 de Kolding, développée en partenariat avec des acteurs locaux et nationaux ;
  • Organiser la conférence New Nordic Design Thinking 2018, initiée par l’université du Danemark du Sud, Design School Kolding et la municipalité de Kolding en vue d’étudier la façon dont le design thinking scandinave peut déployer son potentiel au service du design et du leadership stratégiques ; et
  • Organiser la PPI Conference 2018/2019, qui présentera des pratiques exemplaires et permettra le partage de connaissances dans le domaine de l’innovation publique-privée.


Member since: 
Ulrik Jungersen, Head of Design, Kolding municipality, unescodesigncity@kolding.dk