
Education Ministers and other experts will meet to discuss how the potential of Open Educational Resources (OER) can be unlocked to support achievement of the Education 2030 agenda, at the 2nd World OER Congress to be held from 18-20 September 2017 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Milan Brglez, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia, will welcome over 500 experts and delegates, including more than twenty Ministers of Education and Science, to explore solutions for integrating OER practices into education systems worldwide.
Participants will address challenges to mainstreaming OER, which consist of any teaching, learning and research materials that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution.
Among the key issues are how to promote multilingualism and how to ensure OER are available to people with disabilities.
This Congress builds on the 1st World OER Congress held at UNESCO Headquarters, which adopted the 2012 Paris OER Declaration encouraging the open licensing of educational materials produced with public funds. This year’s Congress also marks 15 years of growth and development in open-licensed learning and teaching resources since the term “OER” was first coined at UNESCO in 2002.
In the run-up to the 2nd World OER Congress, six regional consultations, organized by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) in partnership with UNESCO, brought together experts and policy-makers from more than 100 countries, to discuss progress in implementation of the 2012 Paris OER Declaration. * National OER Surveys also were received from some 100 countries.
The Congress is expected to conclude with the adoption of the 2017 Ljubljana OER Action Plan, reflecting the recommendations from the six regional consultations, an open online consultation of global OER stakeholders, as well as the deliberations that will take place during the Congress itself.
*These were held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (December 2016); Valletta, Malta (February 2017); Doha, Qatar (March 2017); Port Louis, Mauritius (March 2017); Sao Paulo, Brazil (April 2017); and Auckland, New Zealand (May 2017).
More about:
2nd World Open Educational Resources (OER) Congress
- Joe Hironaka, Programme Specialist j.hironaka@unesco.org
Slovenia, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport:
- Gašper Hrastelj, National Focal Point for the Organization of the 2nd World OER Congress gasper.hrastelj@gov.si, T.: +386 1 478 4678, Mobile: +386 41 785 468
- Tina Hrastnik, Public Relations at Ministry Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia E: soj.mizs@gov.si, T.: +386 1 400 5284, Mobile: +386 41 782 971)
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