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LAB.2030 | Take me in your village: Promoting Community Empowerment Through Heritage Transmission

LAB.2030 | Take me in your village: Promoting Community Empowerment Through Heritage Transmission

Tue, 06/12/2018

In Gabrovo, the citizens are not only fighting to keep their heritage alive within the local community, but nationwide. The “Take me in your village” initiative was kick-started in 2013 by a local university student hoping to maintain the traditions of life in Gabrovo by giving the elderly-rural generation and young-urban generation an opportunity to experience life through one another’s eyes. With only a dozen participants at the beginning, this self-development programme is now an annual event serving an astounding amount of applicants. For those keen youths wanting to challenge themselves and advance their understanding of rural living and local heritage, “Take me in your village” literally places them in the home of an elderly resident whose aim is to educate them in local traditions and teach them practices such as cooking and dancing. The only thing these ‘grandparents-to-rent’ ask for in return is to be introduced to the 21st century – to learn how to communicate virtually and use technology. Partly supported by the local government, this initiative effectively addresses a variety of social and cultural issues faced within the community, as well as serving as a platform for self-development.


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