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Call for Papers | Scientific Symposium of the 2019 Porto-Novo International Festival

Call for Papers | Scientific Symposium of the 2019 Porto-Novo International Festival

Mon, 12/10/2018

Until 10 December, Porto-Novo, Creative City of Crafts and Folk Art in Benin, invites the scientific community to submit contributions around the theme “Divinatory systems in Africa in a context of globalization: issues and perspectives”. The selected reflection papers will be presented at the Scientific Symposium of the third edition of the Porto-Novo International Festival to be held on 7 and 8 January 2019.

The Porto-Novo International Festival (FIP) is part of the Beninese and international landscape. This annual event aims at making the city of Porto-Novo an international and dynamic cultural space. The Festival aims at the development of populations through the valorization of their artistic and cultural heritage.


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